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Post audit questions: cash and investment $Stockettes audit went very well, considering all the changes that happened in 2007. A few questions: 1. The 12/31 brokerage matched the bivio valuation for cash and market value. However, the transaction ledger final lines for 12/31 did not seem to match. transaction ledger Cash ...
Re: club_cafe: Post audit questions: cash and investment $The investment and member amounts from your transaction ledger represent the cost of your investments and the cost basis allocated to the members. They do not reflect the current value of the investments nor the current value of the members account. Ira Smilovitz In a ...
Steps to shut down and end a clubIt looks like our club has run its course and the members want to dissolve it. Are there any instructions or steps that I should take as treasurer to end it? Also, can we use the current bivio tax system to file a final return ...
Re: club_cafe: Steps to shut down and end a clubDavid Smith writes: > It looks like our club has run its course and the members > want to dissolve it. Are there any instructions or steps > that I should take as treasurer to end it? Sorry to hear about your club disbanding. Sell ...
Re: Steps to shut down and end a clubWhat is a valid subscription? We are a club who is also dissolving and our subscription to Bivio runs out on Monday, May5. We are NOT renewing it. Can we still access our account online and can we access the 08 K1 and 1065 forms ...
Re: club_cafe: toolkit 5At 05:55 AM 6/11/2008, you wrote: I am considering toolkit 5. does it work separately from bivio? does it work with bivio? They are unrelated. what do people think of this product? I think Toolkit does a fabulous job but you do need to learn ...
Re: club_cafe: Brokerage QuestionI am in agreement with Lynn that you should do you due diligence when making a selection. One thing I did not mention about Scottrade is they have in place now a transfer fee reimbursement if you submit the final statement to them. Marty Eckerle
Re: club_cafe: Withdrawal at Tax TimeIt shouldn't mess up your tax computations. The only thing you need to do is make sure that the transaction date is the date you actually issue a check or transfer securities to the withdrawing partner. This will ensure that the final K-1 is prepared ...
Re: club_cafe: Dissolving Investment Club and 1065The simplest thing to do is just complete the dissolution of the club and then prepare your final 1065 using bivio's tax module. It will prepare the return correctly. In your case the problem is that you aren't completing Schedule K correctly. Investment clubs list ...
RE: club_cafe: Bivio Tax questionAs soon as I get all the final numbers from the CPA and can make note of the various differences, I will definitely send it to support 2 Bivio and have them look at it. Thanks for all the replies. Y'all just confirmed my thoughts ...
RE: club_cafe: Petty cashOur club had a Petty Cash Fund listed since inception. It shows on the Valuation. We only keep about $20 in it and that is for either 'Get-Well Cards' or if the club closes down, the cash can be used to do the final mailing ...
Re: club_cafe: Re: Disbanding Club QuestionsIn a message dated 08/28/09 11:47:29 Eastern Daylight Time, writes: As Ira noted, in your case, you'll be able to wait and file your final return early next year and still meet the IRS requirements for disbanding clubs. Of particular note, your club isn't ...
Re: club_cafe: Club disbandingStrictly speaking, you would have to file your final 1065 by the 15th day of the fourth month after you disband In a message dated 09/25/09 20:32:52 Eastern Daylight Time, writes: Disbanding our club is under consideration. If we go ahead with this, we ...
Re: club_cafe: Club disbanding- How to handle close out expense in future yearbivio provides tax modules as part of your annual subscription so there shouldn't be any additional charge. If you don't complete your distributions by 12/31/09, you will need to file a 2010 return. However, you can (and should) file that return in early 2010, using ...
Re: Club disbanding- How to handle close out expense in future yearThanks for the prompt response Ira. Does Bivio Support track this forum or should I contact them directly? Bob iras1 wrote: > bivio provides tax modules as part of your annual subscription so there shouldn't be any additional charge. If you don't complete your distributions ...