Another Tax Question
Hi my club had a combind $1.01 between dividends and
interest for the year. Does are club need to file a 1065 and
each member a K-1 for there portion of that?

Your club also had (at least) $99 in expenses for your bivio subscription. The IRS will be looking for a 1065 and you are required to file as long as you have ANY income or expense.
Ira Smilovitz
In a message dated 02/05/09 02:48:26 Eastern Standard Time, writes:
Hi my club had a combind $1.01 between dividends and
interest for the year. Does are club need to file a 1065 and
each member a K-1 for there portion of that?


Actually we had no expenses, we are doing a trial period for
bivio. Also when I fill out the forms in TurboTax it rounds
the figures on the K-1 to 0.

iras1 wrote:
> Your club also had (at least) $99 in expenses for your bivio subscription. The IRS will be looking for a 1065 and you are required to file as long as you have ANY income or expense.
> Ira Smilovitz
> In a message dated 02/05/09 02:48:26 Eastern Standard Time, writes:
> .aolmailheader {font-size:8pt; color:black; font-family:Arial}
> a.aolmailheader:link {color:blue; text-decoration:underline; font-weight:normal}
> a.aolmailheader:visited {color:magenta; text-decoration:underline; font-weight:normal}
> a.aolmailheader:active {color:blue; text-decoration:underline; font-weight:normal}
> a.aolmailheader:hover {color:blue; text-decoration:underline; font-weight:normal}
> Hi my club had a combind $1.01 between dividends and
> interest for the year. Does are club need to file a 1065 and
> each member a K-1 for there portion of that?
> Thanks
> Great Deals on Dell Laptops. Starting at $499.
Actually we had no expenses, we are doing a trial period for bivio. Also when I fill out the forms in TurboTax it rounds the figures on the K-1 to 0.
 The advice given was that if you had any income/expense you should file. It won't cost you anything in bivio. If, for whatever reason, you decide not to file, you are facing a possible penalty of $25 times the number of partners times the number of months up to a maximum of 5 months.
Rip West
Saint Paul, MN
If you have a tax number for the partnership, you should
file a return, even if it contains zeros, for three reasons:
1) you won't have to respond to an IRS inquiry later about
why you did not file; 2) you will not be subject to a
non-filer penalty, and 3) it will start the running of the
statute of limitations on auditing the return.

Because you are using bivio as a trial, it would also make
sense to use it to prepare the tax returns. I don't know the
capability of Turbotax to prepare investment club
partnership returns, but why not use the product
specifically designed for the task.

Jack Ranby

Jason wrote:
> Actually we had no expenses, we are doing a trial period for
> bivio. Also when I fill out the forms in TurboTax it rounds
> the figures on the K-1 to 0.
> iras1 wrote:
> > Your club also had (at least) $99 in expenses for your bivio subscription. The IRS will be looking for a 1065 and you are required to file as long as you have ANY income or expense.
> > &nbsp;
> > Ira Smilovitz
> > &nbsp;
> > &nbsp;
> > &nbsp;
> > In a message dated 02/05/09 02:48:26 Eastern Standard Time, writes:
> >
> >
> >
> > .aolmailheader {font-size:8pt; color:black; font-family:Arial}
> > a.aolmailheader:link {color:blue; text-decoration:underline; font-weight:normal}
> > a.aolmailheader:visited {color:magenta; text-decoration:underline; font-weight:normal}
> > a.aolmailheader:active {color:blue; text-decoration:underline; font-weight:normal}
> > a.aolmailheader:hover {color:blue; text-decoration:underline; font-weight:normal}
> >
> > Hi my club had a combind $1.01 between dividends and
> > interest for the year. Does are club need to file a 1065 and
> > each member a K-1 for there portion of that?
> >
> > Thanks
> >
> > &nbsp;
> > Great Deals on Dell Laptops. Starting at $499.
The penalties have increased. They're now:
Late filing: $90/month times the number of partners in the partnership for up to 12 months.
Failure to furnish information timely to partners: $50 per Schedule K-1
Ira Smilovitz 
In a message dated 02/05/09 11:59:38 Eastern Standard Time, writes:
Actually we had no expenses, we are doing a trial period for bivio. Also when I fill out the forms in TurboTax it rounds the figures on the K-1 to 0.
 The advice given was that if you had any income/expense you should file. It won't cost you anything in bivio. If, for whatever reason, you decide not to file, you are facing a possible penalty of $25 times the number of partners times the number of months up to a maximum of 5 months.
Rip West
Saint Paul, MN

TurboTax Business (which prepares partnership returns) cannot prepare an investment club 1065 correctly unless you manually enter each number as an override. Doing so is more effort than preparing the return manually using paper and pen. You should use bivio's tax module which will prepare the return correctly without further data manipulation.
The reason TT cannot prepare the return correctly is that the ownership percentages of your members varies with each contribution. TT expects a constant percentage allocation of income and expense for the entire year.
Ira Smilovitz
In a message dated 02/05/09 11:45:52 Eastern Standard Time, writes:
Actually we had no expenses, we are doing a trial period for
bivio. Also when I fill out the forms in TurboTax it rounds
the figures on the K-1 to 0.

iras1 wrote:
> Your club also had (at least) $99 in expenses for your bivio subscription. The IRS will be looking for a 1065 and you are required to file as long as you have ANY income or expense.
> Ira Smilovitz
> In a message dated 02/05/09 02:48:26 Eastern Standard Time, writes:
> .aolmailheader          {font-size:8pt; color:black; font-family:Arial}
> a.aolmailheader:link    {color:blue; text-decoration:underline; font-weight:normal}
> a.aolmailheader:visited {color:magenta; text-decoration:underline; font-weight:normal}
> a.aolmailheader:active  {color:blue; text-decoration:underline; font-weight:normal}
> a.aolmailheader:hover   {color:blue; text-decoration:underline; font-weight:normal}
> Hi my club had a combind $1.01 between dividends and
> interest for the year. Does are club need to file a 1065 and
> each member a K-1 for there portion of that?
> Thanks
>  Great Deals on Dell Laptops. Starting at $499.

The penalties have increased. They're now:
Late filing: $90/month times the number of partners in the partnership for up to 12 months.
Failure to furnish information timely to partners: $50 per Schedule K-1
WOW! That's huge. The old penalties, which I quoted, have been in place for a long time. So long, in fact, that I didn't bother to see if they had changed. All the more reason for every club to file a return, regardless of your income/expense and regardless if you think you have been grandfathered in not to file. If you think that, you are wrong.
Rip West
Saint Paul, MN
Our club has been using bivio since its inception, I
believe. Before that we used the IClub/BI Accounting

This year, I went through and filled in the tax questionaire
for our tax return and submitted it to our CPA (Also a
partner) that does our tax returns. She found several
discrepancies in the Bivio return as compared to the return
that she prepared.

All in all, it amounts to a difference of about $175. Is
this enough to try to reconcile her differences in the Bivio
return, or would we be safe in using the Bivio numbers.

Bivio always balances with our brokerage account and our
bank account.

Henri Russell
I'd suggest that you turn over the CPA's prepared return and comments to bivio, and have them look at it. I'm sure that if there are problems with the bivio return they want to know about it. I'm also sure that if the CPA is mistaken [a lot of us are, <g>], they would like to get that clarified on this list, also.
Rip West
Saint Paul, MN
Without knowing the specific differences, it's hard to make a recommendation. However, the tax software created by bivio (and ICLUB) is designed with investment clubs in mind. The professional partnership software used by most CPAs doesn't prepare an accurate investment club return because each item of income and expense during the year is allocated differently, based on the ownership shares on that date.
Professional partnership tax software is designed for partnerships where the ownership shares are stable, or change no more than once or twice during the year. Anything more than that and the CPA must manually override each calculated amount.
Ira Smilovitz
In a message dated 02/07/09 15:23:21 Eastern Standard Time, writes:
Our club has been using bivio since its inception, I
believe.  Before that we used the IClub/BI Accounting

This year, I went through and filled in the tax questionaire
for our tax return and submitted it to our CPA (Also a
partner) that does our tax returns.  She found several
discrepancies in the Bivio return as compared to the return
that she prepared.

All in all, it amounts to a difference of about $175.  Is
this enough to try to reconcile her differences in the Bivio
return, or would we be safe in using the Bivio numbers.

Bivio always balances with our brokerage account and our
bank account.

Henri Russell

You guys are so smart!  The treasurer's list is infinitely more interesting to read this time of year than any other board! <G>
Lynn O.
You should send email to support(at) with the details about what's
different and someone there will look into it.

> This year, I went through and filled in the tax questionaire for our tax
> return and submitted it to our CPA (Also a partner) that does our tax
> returns. She found several discrepancies in the Bivio return as compared
> to the return that she prepared. <

> All in all, it amounts to a difference of about $175. Is this enough to
> try to reconcile her differences in the Bivio return, or would we be safe
> in using the Bivio numbers. <

> Bivio always balances with our brokerage account and our bank account. <
As soon as I get all the final numbers from the CPA and can make note of the
various differences, I will definitely send it to support 2 Bivio and have
them look at it.

Thanks for all the replies. Y'all just confirmed my thoughts completely.
And we do have an audit by other members that check all the numbers in and
out. I insist on that since I am the treasurer. I want to make sure it is
right!! I just always felt that when the CPA balanced with all my numbers
too, that was an additional check.

        You should send email to support(at) with the details about
what's different and someone there will look into it.