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Re: [club_cafe] Making Payments to Active Members, not Withdrawals?Here are the tax effects to the club and to the withdrawing member of different types of partial withdrawal payouts: Stock Versus Cash Partial Withdrawal Payouts Note that this only replies to partial withdrawals.A If a member is leaving the club for good, it is ...
Re: Withdraw member questionJohnny wrote: > Greetings, > > I had Scottrade cut the check for a withdrawing member. > Then, I went to bivio and did the member withdrawal. Now, > our account on bivio has an unassigned debit (the amount of > the check for the ...
Withdrawals-IntroductionThere is a lot to understand when a member wants to withdraw some or all of their funds from your club. It's not something a club treasurer needs to deal with very frequently and many questions arise when it comes up. Over the coming days, ...
Re: club_cafe: Various Partial Withdrawals>>If a partner has invested over some time $10K and the value increased to -say- $17K, and he does a partial withdrawal in cash for $15K, does he have any tax to declare? Possibly. It depends on what his total investments PLUS distributed earnings are ...
Re: [club_cafe] Cash WithdrawalActually, whether or not there is a gain will be determined using the partners adjusted basis at the time of the partial withdrawal. This will be shown on the withdrawal report generated when the withdrawal is entered. The only reason this would change is if ...
Re: [club_cafe] tax basis on partial withdrawalI would say yes. As an example, the withdrawal report will indicate: Tax Allocations Dividend Qualified Dividend Interest Short-Term Capital Gain Long-Term Capital Gain Margin Interest Misc. Expense Net Profit 36.58 807.15 9.09 (179.35) 18,918.84 (1.41) (13.28) 19,577 The partner for whom this partial withdrawal ...
Re: [club_cafe] Valuation dateFor correct withdrawals the transaction date needs to be at least one day after the valuation date, and the entry made after both of those dates have passed.A This link describes how to enter member withdrawals and select valuation and transaction dates: Karen, contact ...
RE: Problem - Member WithdrawalDear Laurie, Thanks for your super prompt response. There's something unsaid in your response. " The withdrawal account would have had a negative balance until the check actually cleared. .." Now how would the "withdrawal account" have a negative balance unless, unless, somehow when I ...
First full withdrawals from our club in bivioAll, This will be my first full withdrawals from my club since we switched over from bivio. Here is my question: When I was using NCA (desktop) software it was very easy to do a withdrawal because the valuation dates were only 13 times a ...
Re: Member wrote: > In a message dated 04/08/08 11:59:36 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, > writes: > We have > a member withdrawing and I'm following the One > Minute Treasurer notes on > how to do that. Things were > rocketing along until I ...
Re: club_cafe: Member Withdrawalmerci On Wed, 7/1/09, Jim Thomas <> wrote: From: Jim Thomas <> Subject: Re: club_cafe: Member Withdrawal To: "The Club Cafe" <> Date: Wednesday, July 1, 2009, 10:05 PM No. If a transaction dated prior to a withdrawal is modified (or added or deleted), bivio ...
Re: club_cafe: Withdrawing membersIt doesn't matter if you do the withdrawals before or after you do the taxes since they have no effect on the tax return. The withdrawals will be entered in 2011 and your withdrawing members will get their final K-1s showing their withdrawals in early ...
member withdrawalI am trying to withdraw a member with a combination of transferred stocks & cash. I've transferred two different stocks to the member but the transfers took place on two different days. How do I enter the withdrawal? When I first tried to enter the ...
Re: [club_cafe] withdrawal fees/languageI agree with Rip. A partners's share of the capital in the club ultimately belongs to that partner, not to the other members of the club. Withdrawal fees were part of the model BI Partnership Agreement intended to cover the cost of processing a withdrawal. ...
RE: [club_cafe] withdrawal feeThe amount of the withdrawal fee is entered on bivio's withdrawal form. The rest is automatic. The amount to be paid to the outgoing partner will be reduced by such withdrawal fee. Each of the remaining partner's value will be increased in proportion to those ...