Club Taxes
My club originated in Rhode Island. When we started our club in 1998 I had my lawyer review our partnership agreement. At that time he said all we have to do is have each partner sign the agreement and keep it filed. He said that ...
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Stellar Stock Picks
Thought I'd share this with other investment clubs out there in Bivio land. Our club has done extremely well with the small cap stocks profiled in the newsletter. They have a free trial you can sign up for on their site, but the subscription/membership ...
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Rebate for Marketable Orders
Our club uses Datek and occasionally we get credits to account referred to as a "rebate for marketable orders". They explain what it is but I'm not sure how to categorize the when I identify it as income. Any suggestions? Jim Tinsman Auric Investment Partnership
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My AccountSync is not updating properly or timely. Is there something I can do to make sure it updates? Thanks The Adair Investment Club
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401-K Rollovers
Yes people it is that time of year again! I had a 401-k at my former employer and I have since become self-employed. I froze the 401-k 2 years ago when I left. What can I roll it to, a variable annuity perhaps? If that ...
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401-K Rollovers
Yes people it is that time of year again! I had a 401-k at my former employer and I have since become self-employed. I froze the 401-k 2 years ago when I left. What can I roll it to, a variable annuity perhaps? If that ...
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Gekko Worldwide Partners needs some help. Would anyone have an idea on how to enter this transaction with Intimate Brands and The Limited? It is an exchange, but is it treated as a merger, spinoff or something else? I know that the ratio is 1.10 ...
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I am trying to use my AccountSync. On my club site I looked at the 5 options under Accounting, the 6 options under Administration, and the 2 options under Communications. Somebody give me a clue where 'AccountSync' for my club can be found! Thanks, Joe
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Hi how can i adjust an entry if my stock is not trading anymore. Thank You. Raju
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club_cafe: Tax season help....
please quit sending me email, can you notify everyone from the club cafe to stop sending me stuf, i DO NOT use or take advantage of what ever you send me. Thank you, Zack Image by >From: "Barbara J. Molloy" >Reply-To: "The Club Cafe" ...
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Tax season help....
We (MICPLUS) was with BIVIO all year while it was free. We did not continue after you said you were going to charge. Now we need help with our 1065 and K1. We would like to know how to pay the $19.00 to have help ...
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club_cafe: MoneyPaper Stock Purchases
Hi Arjuna, Hopefully this will answer your question using the MoneyPaper Service. Now I will assume that you have a money market account with this service. If so, just move (transfer) the funds into this account and wait for the transaction to take place. When ...
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MoneyPaper Stock Purchases
Please Help! When making a stock purchase thru the MoneyPaper service, the company requires that you send them a amount equal to 10% above the total actual cost of the stock plus fees. This 10% cushion will be returned to you if it is not ...
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Tax Forms
I answered all of the tax interview questions, downloaded the forms and printed the 1065. Nothing is listed in lines 1 -22 on page 1, Schedule B has checkmarks in the yes and no columns, Schedule K has our club's correct income and interest info, ...
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stock prices not updating
the stock prices in our portfolio are not updating. How can I manually update them and why would they not automatically update? Steve Holland Misawa Investment Group Misawa Air Base, Japan
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