I am trying to use my AccountSync. On my club site I looked
at the 5 options under Accounting, the 6 options under
Administration, and the 2 options under Communications.

Somebody give me a clue where 'AccountSync' for my club can
be found!

Thanks, Joe
Joseph C. Emmett writes:
> Somebody give me a clue where 'AccountSync' for my club can
> be found!

AccountSync runs nightly. There's nothing for you to do except
perhaps identify certain credits and debits. You receive an email
when AccountSync updates your account. The executor on the
transactions AccountSync enters into your club's books is the special
user "account_sync".

I hope this answers your question. Feel free to contact if you'd like specific help with your club.

Joseph C. Emmett wrote:
> I am trying to use my AccountSync. On my club site I looked
> at the 5 options under Accounting, the 6 options under
> Administration, and the 2 options under Communications.
> Somebody give me a clue where 'AccountSync' for my club can
> be found!
> Thanks, Joe

Joe, You don't use AccountSync, per se. When a transaction
occurs in your on-line brokerage account, it automatically
updates your Bivio status, e.g., if you buy 100 MSFT,
AccountSynch automatically updates Bivio accordingly. If
you deposit money in your brokerage account, AccountSync
tells you that the deposit was recorded, and you receive an
email telling you that you need to manually tell Bivio where
the money came from.

Investnut Rich