club_cafe: Re: How to report bankruptcy of a stock
The first poster in this thread may or may not be holding a worthless stock (we don't know what company it is). Albert St. Onge's club definitely holds a worthless stock. You don't need any additional tax schedules to deal with a worthless stock beyond ...
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club_cafe: Re: How to report bankruptcy of a stock
This stock was declared worthless on 12/2/2002. See the following: The easiest way to deal with this is to enter a sale on 12/31/2002 for $0. This will create the appropriate capital loss and remove the shares from your account. Ira Smilovitz In a ...
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TAXES-IRS Wash Day Rule
How does BIVIO deal with stock sales and repurchases that result in applying the IRS Wash Day Rules that disallow the loss for tax purposes?
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club_cafe: Re: How to report bankruptcy of a stock
Your broker is obligated to make a trade as long as the stock is listed on the BB or pink sheets. Lets say you own a 100 shares of a stock trading at .01. Your trade would net $1.00 less commissions. My broker has a ...
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club_cafe: How to report bankruptcy of a stock
You don't. You need to sell the stock to claim the loss. Declaring bankruptcy does not, in and of itself, make a stock worthless. Many bankrupt company stocks continue to trade. It takes a total liquidation of the company with no distribution to the common ...
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How to report bankruptcy of a stock
One of the stocks our club owned went bankrupt. We had a loss of over $800 on the stock. How do I enter this in Bivio so I can run the tax forms showing this loss? Cynthia Mathwick POGP
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club_cafe: New Jersey 1065 line 13b
Line 13b is for ADDITIONS, not subtractions. Expenses are not included in a NJ partnership return. You should have entries on lines 4, 5, and/or 7. You may have entries on lines 10, 11, 15d and 15e. Note: If your club has 10 or more ...
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New Jersey 1065 line 13b
Our club uses BIVIO and signed up for AccountKeeper as soon as it became available! We would love to see Bivio do state 1065s too! We (treasurer and me) are completing NJ-1065. We were able to plug in all of the line items until we ...
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club_cafe: Taxes
Your club *must* file Form 1065 with the Internal Revenue Service. Your club members will have to report their club membership information on Schedule E. If you had any income or expense (whether or not you sold stock) your members will have to report their ...
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Want to create options club or join one!!!
If you would be interested in joining a club devoted to buying covered options to generate income, or are a member of a club already doing so let me know.
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Smoe of our members would like to know if we need to file any tax info with our presonal tax returns. We will be filing a k- for our club. Tehy would like to know if we need to file anywhere else. We did not ...
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club_cafe: children as members
It can certainly be done and there are no special permits required. I would caution you from the contract law statutes that are in place regarding contract arrangements with minors. Any person under the age of 18 can walk away from a contract without any ...
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children as members
Does anyone know if children under the age of 18 can be official members of an investment club? If so how does one go about doing this legally? Does anyone have samples of permission slips or whatever it takes. Thanks
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Form 1065 suggestion
It would be nice to have the partnership name and tax ID # appear at the top of all but the first page, as is done on the K-1 forms.
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Balance Sheet
I understand the concept of the Unrealized Gains/Losses equaling the total of all gains/losses realized by memnber distributions. We have made 7 such distibutions and all were in cash. However, when I add the total of Gain Loss Realized from the withdrawal reports I get ...
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