Balance Sheet
I understand the concept of the Unrealized Gains/Losses
equaling the total of all gains/losses realized by memnber
distributions. We have made 7 such distibutions and all
were in cash. However, when I add the total of Gain Loss
Realized from the withdrawal reports I get a figure that is
close but not exactly the same as total Unrealized
Gains/Losses Dispursed. $460.48 vs 434.13. What could
account for this?

Thank You
Glenn R. Halsey, Jr. wrote:
> close but not exactly the same as total Unrealized
> Gains/Losses Dispursed. $460.48 vs 434.13. What could
> account for this?
You can see where the Unrealized Gain occurs by running the
Transaction Ledger report for each year the club has been in
If you find a problem with your club's books, please contact and we'll look into it.
Paul Moeller
bivio, Inc.