club_cafe: Stock collapse
I wouldn't hold this any longer than I needed to get the sell order processed. When an accounting firm resigns as auditor there's usually a good reason good for the accounting firm, bad for investors. On the other hand, there is no guarantee that it ...
1 message
Stock collapse
Our club holds a stock, Dynacq Healthcare (DYII), that has been slowly getting negative news of late. This had been a darling find of ours having gone from our purchase price of $13 per share to nearly $26 in less than 3 months. At that ...
3 messages
Stock collapse
Our club holds a stock, Dynacq Healthcare (DYII), that has been slowly getting negative news of late. This had been a darling find of ours having gone from our purchase price of $13 per share to nearly $26 in less than 3 months. At that ...
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Data Base (DB)
What DB is used when financial data is is accessed for stocks in portfolio? Noted that it is provided by Zack's but can not determine their source. To what extent is revised data elements for previous years revised? Thanks, Ray Marchand
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Annualized IRR
Have a few stocks whicvh do not show Annualized IRR. Is there a minimum period required for this value to be reasonable. Ray Marchand
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NAIC Accounting VS Tax Codes
I'm still using the NAIC 1.04 and BIVIO to do the year end clud taxes. Is there any problems with this? Is there any reason to update to newer vrsion of club accounting for tax purposes
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Why am I getting duplicates of messages. Also, the last message subject was "Tax Fed" and there was no message. Que pasa?
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Tax Fed1 message
Two members with same Email Address
So far it seems that only user can receive an invite. Bivio will not recognise 2nd user. Have two examples of this in club
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Unable to Register a Member
Problem solved. Thanks for your input Ray Marchand
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Unable to Registering a Member
Having problem reffered it to Customer Support and still am not able to solve this problem. Member can not access club.
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club_cafe: Worthless Stock
Since the old KMart common stock was canceled as part of the bankruptcy reorganization, it truly is worthless. (As opposed to some other bankrupt corporations whose stock still trades for fractions of a penny/share). The correct way to deal with this is to enter a ...
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Worthless Stock
We have been carrying Kmart stock on our valuation since before it filed bankruptcy. Since the stock is worthless, what is the best way to remove it from our club.
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help please
Hello to all in the cafe. I have a small problem. I would like to file some of the notes we have in our club inbox. I have not been able to take notes and place them into folders ? I have no problem with ...
3 messages
help please
Hello to all in the cafe. I have a small problem. I would like to file some of the notes we have in our club inbox. I have not been able to take notes and place them into folders ? I have no problem with ...
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