Monthly tracking
Do any clubs use Excel to track performance of their
portfolios? I am trying to keep track of our stocks, and
wish to have an Excel spreadsheet to follow them. If anyone
has an established spreadsheet, please let me know. Thanks.

Hi Stu,

> Do any clubs use Excel to track performance of their
> portfolios? I am trying to keep track of our stocks, and
> wish to have an Excel spreadsheet to follow them.

I try very hard NOT to reinvent the wheel. For me personally, I think that
too many tools detract me from the bigger picture.

However...! If you are a member of NAIC, you already know that Toolkit 4
Pro has portfolio management tools. But Jim Thomas, has produced a
wonderful side took in Excel that I find absolutely fascinating! It's
called TK4Portfiolio, and you can find it at

Let me explain. The new OPS service allows us to enter any ticker symbol
into our Toolkit program and automaticalloy download all the necessary
financial information into a Stock Selection Guide. Once these guides are
saved in Tookit, we can use the information to create various portfolio
management reports.

Jim has found a way to "find" the Toolkit portfolio library on our harddrive
and pull all that information into this new spreadsheet. It provides more
information on the portfolio than do the normal Toolkit reports. It's
brilliant! And I think that, between the Bivio reports, the Toolkit reports
and what Jim has created, you should have more than enough information to
aptly follow your stocks.

By the way, the spreadsheet already has completed portfolio management
information in it. You only have to reselect the info to get your own into
it. If you don't have Toolkit, you will at least be able to see what the
report does.

Good luck,

Lynn Ostrem, Minneapolis