retrieving a forgotten password
One of our members has forgotten her bivio password. How can she recover it or select a new one?
2 messages
club_cafe: Startup issues
In a message dated 1/22/2004 9:58:24 AM Eastern Standard Time, writes: Because of the nature of our business (offshore oil drilling), the inherent scheduling, and our scattered residences, the club which I am attempting to form will most certainly not be able to shape ...
3 messages
Startup issues
Because of the nature of our business (offshore oil drilling), the inherent scheduling, and our scattered residences, the club which I am attempting to form will most certainly not be able to shape itself in the most typical of fashions. The biggest difference (among many) ...
4 messages
club_cafe: Startup issues
Rob, I agree with what you posted, but the original poster specifically stated that he would be making the investment decisions. That is far different from order execution and accounting. Ira Smilovitz In a message dated 1/22/2004 10:41:04 AM Eastern Standard Time, writes: ...
1 message
Reports by email
Can the reports be email to all members in a club, without copying and pasting it over and over?
4 messages
club_cafe: Why do fees count against IRR?
That's because the fee DOES count as an investment. It is an investment for which the member received no units. Therefore, member one (who paid the fee) has invested more money in the club than member two. Their current value is the same. That means, ...
5 messages
2003 Taxes
Approximately what date will Bivio have the tax forms for 2003 ready to go??
7 messages
'Income Statement' Changes?
I notice some significant changes in the Bivio 'Income Statement' that must have just been implemented. 1) There is now a Dividend VS Qualified Dividend and my numbers are not the same as they were last week. 2) Previously 'company paid fees' on Dividends Reinvested ...
2 messages
club_cafe: Re: Why do fees count against IRR?
What would you rather do with it? The partner who pays the fee has contributed money to the club and gotten nothing for it. (This is a bit of an oversimplification, but the concept is correct). Ira Smilovitz In a message dated 1/16/2004 12:03:27 AM ...
1 message
Why do fees count against IRR?
We have two members that have identical contributions except one paid an extra fee. (Which was entered as a Fee in Bivio.) In the reports, everything is exactly the same except for the IRR of the one who paid the fee is lower, as though ...
1 message
Closing a Club - Tax Form Prep
Sad to say but our club disbanded this past year and the funds were dispersed and I am now finalizing the Bivio site and doing the tax forms for 2003. My question is: I have shown all other members as withdrawn, and I'm the last ...
3 messages
club_cafe: Short Term Capital Gains
Because that's how you have to report it on your tax return. Welcome to the wonderful world of taxation 2003. Ira Smilovitz In a message dated 1/14/2004 9:38:07 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes: Hi everyone! I'm writing our club's annual report, and I'm including ...
1 message
Short Term Capital Gains
Hi everyone! I'm writing our club's annual report, and I'm including our balance sheet. I have two short term capital gains figures on my Bivio report. One is titled "Short Term Capital Gain-Post May 5th." Why is it separated out? Thanks, Lynn Ostrem
1 message
Temporary Member Leave
I have a member that has been with the club since conception but until just recently he has encured some financial hardship and has ask to stop his monthly contributions for about 6 months. Up until this point all the members have contributed equal financially ...
4 messages
NAV History Report
We had a desire to see a history of our account valuation over time but found no report that met our need. Searching through the Club Cafe I found that a few other users had also expressed the same need but that Bivio had no ...
3 messages