club_cafe: Repeating Question: Calculating Performance for 2n d Buy
Our club had this issue with AOL. We purchased the 'old' AOL back in 1999
and we sold it when it spiked. We then purchased AOL after the Time Warner
deal, and at that time the symbol was still AOL. Bivio was able to
characterize the original purchase as AOL 'old' in the system, so we would
not have a blending of two separate entities sharing the same symbol.

 I recall sending an e mail to customer support to address that issue, and I
received a quick an satisfactory response.

As to the below, if you continue to trade AES for tax purposes, I am not
sure you want to remove a negative return by simple selling and then
repurchasing the same stock.

Good luck,


-----Original Message-----
From: Marcia Meltzer []
Sent: Sunday, February 15, 2004 9:48 PM
Subject: club_cafe: Repeating Question: Calculating Performance for 2nd

on 02/08/2004 20:32 I wrote

Our club sold AES for a tax loss in 2003 and bought it again
in 2004 - long enough later to avoid a wash sale. We want
to keep track of this stock separately from the first buy
and sell. Since it downloads from the broker account, how
can we do this? We can't rename the stock (like AES2) The
performance now shows a loss because it is calculating from
the original purchase.

Marcia M

So far no one has answered. Does this mean it is not
possible to have a clean calculation for a 2nd buy. If so,
that is a major flaw in bivio.