Relative Return Graphs for clubs
Please add MicNOVA (Model Investment Club of Northern Virginia) Many thanks. We are very excited about this. Josephine Murphy micnova partner
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AccountSync Passwords
Hi Everyone, Just a reminder that if you are using AccountSync and you change your login information at your broker, don't forget to update it in bivio. Apparently Scottrade is asking everyone to update their passwords and we are getting quite a few support requests ...
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Relative Returns
Please add Greenbills Investment Club. Our BI club # is C00I4771 Thanks Diane Ellison P.S. My earlier email was returned as undeliverable.
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Reports and Creating Charts
Hi All, The reports in Bivio are fantastic - I use them at all of our meetings to educate the membership on our club. My question is - is there a way to pull multiple day or month data out of Bivio? I really like ...
7 messages
club_cafe: Relative Returns Graph for Your Club
Thank you Weal will try it! In a message dated 6/1/2010 6:41:11 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time, writes: Hello Everyone, I hope you had a great weekend. As part of our collective quest for Positive Relative Returns, let me know if you'd like me to ...
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Memorial Day, Flags and Music
When I was very small, Memorial Day meant a cookout at my grandparents. My grandfather was a child of immigrants, a former member of the US Air Force and a veteran of two wars. He was very proud of the United States and also of ...
3 messages
Email voting
We recently had some discussion among our members on our email voting policy. (Below you will find our email voting policy) Does any other club allow email voting? What do you do & how do you administer it? Wayne J Email Voting Guideline The use ...
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Withdrawals and Your Partnership Agreement
In our treasurers training webinar last night about Non Monthly Treasurers Tasks, we discussed the information you will need from your partnership agreement to enter a withdrawal. It is: 1. Withdrawal valuation date a. What date will you use to establish what the member is ...
9 messages
Non Monthly Treasurers Tasks
For anyone who is attending tonights webinar on Non Monthly Treasurers Tasks and would like the handouts ahead of time, they're now posted on the bivio Library page in the New Treasurer section. The link to the bivio library is: There's still room, if ...
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Looking for Club in Dallas
I am looking to join an investing club in the D/FW area.
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Know Your Options Blog Starts Today!
Do the current gyrations of the stock market have you totally unsure what you might do next? You might be interested in learning about trading options. We're not talking about gambling. Options can actually be useful tools to help protect the value of your portfolio. ...
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Broker comparisons
Is there an existing resource that provides a comparison of broker services and fees? Thanks, Angi C. Charlotte, N.C.
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Goal Setting
At the meeting last night of a new model club I am a part of, we began an interesting discussion of setting goals for ourselves. It was rightly pointed out that it will probably help our group decision making process if we establish a framework ...
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The Quest for Positive Relative Returns
To help you in your quest for positive relative returns, don't forget that tonight is our monthly Dashboard Diagnostics webinar. Each month, Mark Robertson from ManifestInvesting analyzes the portfolio of a real club and discusses ideas they might implement to increase their IRR. Tonight's club ...
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Pennies, Market Value and Valuations
I am a big one for figuring out why my accounts don't balance to the penny. Not for financial reasons but because I enjoy the hunt and I enjoy solving the puzzle. For those out there who can relate to this mindset, I encourage you ...
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