Issues with REIT's
Hi All, Some of you ask why we discourage you from holding REIT's in your club. It's because we encourage you to keep your club record keeping as simple as possible. Here is a good example of the type of complications you're up against if ...
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Access to club account
We deal with Fidelity and the President and Treasurer have the ID and password to the account. The website has a wealth of research information and guidance. Do other clubs give all members access to the club account?
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Market Returns
Simple, dramatic demonstration of what to think about when you are seeing "Return Rates" advertised: Is This a "Leap year" for Fund Returns "2008 is now 6 years ago and 2013 was great" Laurie Frederiksen Invest with your friends! Become our Facebook friend! ...
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Buy the Gadget or Buy the Stock?
Looks like I should have been buying my son a share of stock every time I bought him a gadget:: From $400K Macs to 23K IPods Of course if you are looking for trends, I will say his enthusiasm for exclusively Apple products has been ...
18 messages
New Member Information Entry
Dear Bob, This topic on our help page shows you how to add information for a new member: Adding Members and Guests Hope that helps! Laurie Frederiksen Invest with your friends! Become our Facebook friend! Follow us on twitter! Follow Us on ...
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Looking for an investment club to join in the Fox Valley area. contact:
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EIN Responsible Person - IRS Form 8822-B
Effective 1 Jan 2014, the IRS has a requirement to file the form 8822-B when the responsible person for the EIN changes. The "responsible person" is defined as "(T)he person who has a level of control over, . . . the funds or assets in ...
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Member Authorization Codes
This is the first I heard of this. She is not a new member. How do I get an authorization code for her? I never had to do that before. Linda Sent via the Samsung GALAXY S(R)4, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone Original message From: ...
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Member Authorization Codes
Dear Linda, A new member cannot access your club records until they enter a one time authorization code that they receive when you use the "Add member" button or "bring online" link next to their name on the club roster to send them an email ...
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TDAmeritrade works just Fine with Bivio
Our stock club has worked with several brokerage firms including TDAmeritrade. We have not seen any irregularities with TDAmeritrade accounting principles in fact it actually reported two companies return of capital in a manner that was easier to understand than Bivio (i.e. Crestwood Equity Partners). ...
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Investing and Value in Perspective
Good morning everyone, I came across this this morning and found it inspiring in terms of thinking about investment and prosperity. It's words from a TED talk about economics remixed with pictures and music: Many of you can probably relate to the thought that ...
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Audit Webinar Recording Posted
Hi Everyone, In case you missed it, the recording and presentation for the Audit webinar given this weekend is now posted here: Audit Webinar Enjoy! Laurie Frederiksen Invest with your friends! Become our Facebook friend! Follow us on twitter! Follow Us on ...
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It's Time to Do Your Investment Club Audit!
Audit Party Weekend! Get ahead of the game! The number one thing you can do now to make sure you'll be able to prepare your investment club taxes quickly is to make sure your bivio records are correct. Whether or not you're a club treasurer, ...
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Nutty Earnings Reports
Sometimes earnings reports seem kind of nutty. Here's a case where that has been proved to be true! Diamond Foods to Pay $5 Million to Settle SEC Accounting Charges It seems like I remember the Diamond Foods CEO on Cramer a few years ago boasting ...
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New Year, New Ideas
Happy New Year everyone! Hope it is warmer where you are than it is where I am. The world never stops changing. I've gone many years without ever having heard of a Polar Vortex. New things aren't always good, but they are interesting to learn ...
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