Gift of Club Units
Is it possible to Gift(not sale) investment Club Units from one club member to another club member(within same club)? I am aware of annual gift limits of $13000 or so.. Any IRS forms or Club agreements to fill for such gifts?.. Thanks
4 messages
Throwback Thursday #TBT
I was wondering why people started posting so many old photos on Facebook.A After some research I discovered I am totally out of it.A They are part of the new "Throwback Thursday" movement.A It is fun to see them. We don't have old bivio pictures ...
2 messages
Tax Season Decompression
Now that we've made it through tax season, it would be nice to hear some feedback from you all. Did the process go smoothly for your club? We changed the tax preparation page a little bit this year.A The intent was to try and give ...
10 messages
From: Dave Rowekamp, Roundtable Investment Club, Winona, MN rowefam@ How do we access the QPPR graphs from Bivio? Thank you. Sent from my iPhone
4 messages
Tax Season Decompression
Switching to Bivio was the best decision our club has made. Account Sync has made my job as treasurer so much easier and less time consuming. Once we got rid of all of our DRIP accounts, it takes only a few minutes each month to ...
1 message
Treasurer Training Sign Up Links
Hi Judy, I'm not sure exactly what it is that you didn't see.A (I suspect your phone "corrected" something in your message) But if you need the links to sign up for Treasurer Training, here they are: Part 1 - An Orientation To Investment Club ...
1 message
What are your thoughts about the advantages, disadvantages or the two classes of Google stock? Is one better to own over the other?
2 messages
Are You Measuring How Your Club Is Doing On a Regular Basis?
I just gave a fourth green smiley and another $30 in bivio bucks to a bivio club that has beat the market return for the past year by 15.6%.A A That is amazing. It means out of 51 different 1 year periods, they have beat ...
5 messages
Stay Away from MLP's In Your Investment Clubs
I believe you are mistaken about mutual funds. They have a different tax structure but are double taxed. Sent from Samsung tablet Original message From: Mark <> Date: 04/17/2014 4:39 PM (GMT-08:00) To: Subject: Re: [club_cafe] Stay Away from MLP's In Your Investment Clubs ...
1 message
Stay Away from MLP's In Your Investment Clubs
I'm sorry but I do not understand how an organization that is supposed to be supporting investment clubs and educating individual investors would be putting on a conference like this: We have had club after club this year have tax and accounting issues because ...
16 messages
Sharing The Treasurers Job
Now that your investment club taxes have been put to bed, it's a great time to think about changing your club treasurer or adding an assistant club treasurer. Being club treasurer does not have to be hard or time consuming.A Your club will be stronger ...
3 messages
Missing partne
The member moved or died and cannot be contacted. It has nothing to do with Bivio. Sent via the Samsung GALAXY S(R)4, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone Original message From: Laurie Frederiksen Date:04/16/2014 3:18 PM (GMT-05:00) To: The Club Cafe Subject: Re: [club_cafe] Missing partne ...
3 messages
Missing partne
One of club's partners has disappeared. all mail and contacts for partner in thin air. What do I do now Noah
4 messages
Partnership stocks
Hey everyone Remember last month's warning about not buying stock in partnerships? A I checked the list against our holdings and wouldn't you know it, we have stock in one of those companies! A Yikes! A So, now the question is, what is the best ...
3 messages
Partnership Agreement "Death or Incapacity of a Partner"
How would "Incapacity of a Partner" actually work when invoked? One of our members questioned how that situation would apply and play out. Does anyone have any insight? Questions we had.. 1) who determines? it may be difficult for partnership to determine that state and ...
2 messages