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Disolving partnership and tax implicationsHi, We voted to close our club after 12 years. We have already notified our trade account and received the check from them. My question is, if we send out the payments to each partner, must they be deposited by the members and clear the ...
Re: [club_cafe] Access for Withdrawn memberOn Sun, Feb 26, 2012 at 2:11 PM, Charles Stephen Foster wrote: We had a member withdraw during 2011 and it shows Withdrawn on his member page. Will he still have access to our bivio tax return so he can download his K-1? Dear Charles, ...
Re: Apple ValuationThanks for the thoughtful feedback Roy. Yes I do use Valueline's earnings estimates and projected high price as a guiding influence. By doing so, I am attempting to remove some of my own emotional judgement from the equation. I do attempt to affirm or deny ...
Re: [club_cafe] Re: ESRX Purchase of MHSHi Laurie, I checked acc't sync from TDA to Bivio 1.A return of Capital of $186.86 2.A long term capital gain of $1253.14 3 Expense TDA Service charges and fees $20 I presume the cash in lieu of fractional shares should be posted in the ...
eonfused & disappointedWe logged on to the Bivio webinar on 4/24/12 at 7:21 PM MDT having received notice that the webinar was to begin @ 9:30 PM EDT only to find that the webinar was in its final 10 minutes of presentation. What's up?
Re: [club_cafe] eonfused & disappointedDear Ann, I am sorry if there was confusion on the time. I'm not sure where that would have come from. The session was recorded and the recording should be posted within the next day or so. We will announce it here when it is. ...
Re: Special Time for June Dashboard DiagnosticsHi again everyone. I made a slight error on date on Dashboard Diagnostics. It is this Saturday, June 2 at 11AM ET (Not June 7 as I originally emailed) Sorry about that. June 7 is when our final Treasurer training webinar will be held at ...
Re: [club_cafe] Duke EnergyDear Jayne, One of the best places to find out information like this is in the Investor relations section of the Company website. On the Duke website, there is a Mergers and Acquisitions section which describes that the reverse split was undertaken as preparation for ...
A Season of Giving - Week 3"No one has ever become poor by giving".- Anne Frank Hope everyone has been having a wonderful holiday season! Thank you for all who have shared the stories of the gifts their club has given their community during the past year. Congratulations to the first ...
Re: [club_cafe] Is there a special tax form when disbanding a club?If you filed a general partnership some counties require that you file a termination paper which usually is associated with a fee. I think you also have to file a 1065K and check the box final or terminal. You can and should complete the K-1's. ...
Re: [club_cafe] LKQLucy -you are asking for the final score on your LKQ gain, but you areA in the third inning. A Make your decision on the criteria that means the most to your club, then be careful to ensure your broker and accounting software agree. Mark ...
Re: [club_cafe] LKQThanks From: Mark Eckman Sent: Wednesday, June 04, 2014 7:51 AM To: Subject: Re: [club_cafe] LKQ Lucy -you are asking for the final score on your LKQ gain, but you are in the third inning. Make your decision on the criteria that means the ...
WithdrawalsThere are costs associated with withdrawals that no one seems to be taking into account. A tax return needs to be printed and mailed, as well as K1's distributed. The withdrawing partner should share some of those expenses by paying a small withdrawal fee depending ...
RE: [club_cafe] WithdrawalsHi Linda, I'm still not convinced. With bivio, it's very difficult for me to see how the cost of a withdrawal and the final k1 could add up to anything like $100. I have belonged to 3 clubs, and we have never paid the state ...
Re: [club_cafe] WithdrawalsI agree with Rip. There will be a small expense such as mailing the K1s/checks if they don't have access to Bivio. Transferring stocks has been free for us if the member has the same broker as the club. And even then the broker should ...