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Re: [club_cafe] BankruptcyDear Gloria, GM stock you kept should have been written off as worthless in 2011.A Here is a note from an original Club Cafe posting: Write Offs of Old GM Stock and here is a further discussion of the topic: Time To Claim Tax Loss ...
Re: [club_cafe] Club DuesAs Treasurer of CRIG for 26 years we elderly ladies are disbanding at end of 2023. Since over 3/4 isA capital gains we used % of ownership toA withdraw and transfer stocks from TD to members new Schwab accounts E"y lots to spread gains equally ...
Re: Re: [club_cafe] Long term capital gains resulting from member withdrawalThanks for the explanation. Gladys On 02/24/17, Irina Clements<> wrote: 1) First this is not a penalty. This is a gain. All the members including the withdrawing member have this reflect on their form k. Getting gains is good. It means your club makes 2) ...
RE: [club_cafe] TD Ameritrade withdrawal / transfer to a Schwab accountMy two cents' worth. I'm not associated with a brokerage firm, but I was curious several years ago after speaking with a TDAmeritrade representative when our club transferred stocks to a withdrawing member. I think I have this right. The rules for transferring securities between ...
Yankee Chapter Model Club Meeting MinutesMeeting Minutes - Yankee Chapter Model Club GoToWebinar, 11:00AM ET / 8:00AM PT April 9, 2022 In attendance (479 registered, 46 visitors) Members: Jack Finn, Brent Goll, Liz Tobin, Ira Haas, and Stephen Roy were present. Sriram was absent. Esteemed visitor: Joe Farrell. Visitors: See ...
Yankee Chapter Model Club Meeting MinutesMeeting Minutes - Yankee Chapter Model Club GoToWebinar, 11:00AM ET / 8:00AM PT September 11, 2021 In attendance (378 registered, 44 visitors) Members: Jack Finn, Brent Goll, Liz Tobin, Steve Roy, Ira Haas and Sriram Madabhushi were all present. Esteemed visitor: Joe Farrell. Visitors: See ...
Re: [club_cafe] Waiting for TDA 1099Not yet....hopefully soon On Feb 29, 2024, at 11:16 AM, Norman Gee via <user*> wrote: TDA 1099 finally shown up on the website on 2/29 On Thu, Feb 29, 2024 at 6:16 AM MARY FRAN NOVAK via <user* > wrote: I received my personal ...
Re: club_cafe: Re: Dues?<< We cover our club NAIC membership and each members subscription to Better-Investing's Online Tools and data subscription through our fees. This is a monthly fee and kept separately in our banking account. >> Why do you feel it is necessary to keep these 'fees' ...
Yankee Chapter Model Club Meeting MinutesMeeting Minutes - Yankee Chapter Model Club GoToWebinar, 11:00AM ET / 8:00AM PT July 10, 2021 In attendance (355 registered, 58 visitors) Members: Jack Finn, Brent Goll, Liz Tobin, Steve Roy, and Sriram Madabhushi. Ira Haas was absent. Esteemed visitor: Joe Farrell. Visitors: See list ...
Re: [club_cafe] Nj tax electronic filing from Apple computerRoy, NJ is exceptionally confused about all sorts of computer issues this year. It must be due to all the time Chris Christie has spent out-of-state and not running the state government like he should. <g> Considering that the "forms" in question are being completed ...
Re: [club_cafe] Re: What should be the valuation date for a full withdrawal?To clarify things a bit, our club has had 5 members resign in our 3+ years of existence (we've also had new members join so our membership roster is good). All of the resignations have been as a result of personal circumstances of the members ...
Re: Re: RegisteringHi, Thomas! Welcome to bivio! My club is still in the 90 day free trial period so I may not have a complete answer to your question. I can only speak from my brief experience of registering the club. After I set up the new ...
Yankee Chapter Model Club Meeting MinutesMeeting Minutes - Yankee Chapter Model Club GoToWebinar, 11:00AM ET / 8:00AM PT November 12, 2022 In attendance (310 registered, 41 visitors) Members: Jack Finn, Stephen Roy, Brent Goll, Ira Haas, Liz Tobin and Sriram Madabhushi were all present. Esteemed visitor: Joe Farrell. Visitors: See ...
Yankee Chapter Model Club Meeting MinutesMeeting Minutes - Yankee Chapter Model Club GoToWebinar, 11:00AM ET / 8:00AM PT June 12, 2021 In attendance (343 registered, 47 visitors) Members: Jack Finn, Brent Goll, Ira Haas, Steve Roy, and Sriram Madabhushi. Liz was absent. Esteemed visitor: Joe Farrell. Visitors: See list at ...
Re: [club_cafe] Re: Question: Member Percentage LimitConnie, My club experienced the same issue. In our case people withdrew for personal reasons and a few passed away. I was one of the original members and ended up holding 56%. Since we were a one-person one-vote club that was not an issue because ...