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How Did They Do It?Good Morning Everyone, The club who won the contest to predict Apple's first quarter earnings has given me permission to share how they developed their contest entry. Many people have asked me how to make up a spreadsheet like the one we used for this ...
Re: know_your_options: collarHi I am new to using options and would be interested in using a collar for CSIQ (Canadian Solar). I have no idea as to how to structure this . Could you give me some advice? CR Hello CR, I cannot give specific advice, but ...
Re: [club_cafe] Re: AccountSync SchwabOur club is in the same position as Kim Berry's.A We are now synced with Schwab after a lapse.A Our club is small--under $100,000. Charlotte On Mon, Aug 15, 2022 at 4:41 PM Kim Berry via <user* > wrote: Chiming in with the ...
Financial StatementsFinancial Statements The Income Statement Introduction to this Series This is first of 4 short overviews 3 Main Financial Statements: Income Statement Balance Sheet Cash Flow Statement Finally, Annual Report Worksheets By Bob Adams By Paul Schneider Income Statement: Key objectives Financial analysis is about Comparison. ...
Re: club_cafe: Partial sharesYou asked the same question yesterday and Jim Thomas replied. Unfortunately you do have to go back and find each of the transaction dates and enter them separately. I'm sure they're on your broker statements. As you state, you have the dividend date and the ...
What About This Stock?Dear Candis, Have you ever heard about PCCLF, also have you heard anything about it being put onto the NASDAQ? Thank You. JCND04@AOL.COM HI! I hadn't heard anything about this stock so I went to and entered the ticker symbol. This database, which has ...
Partial Distributions Using StockA user asks Our club would like to make a partial distribution and since some members would like cash and others would not take a distribution we are considering making the distr. in stock which has appreciated. I am a little confused by your question. ...
Re: [club_cafe] Re: AccountSync Schwabdon't get it! Have tried at least a dozen times to auto synch with Schwab with no luck!A We are at $310,000 maybe Schwab thinks we are too small. Virus-free. On Mon, Aug 15, 2022 at 7:41 PM Kim Berry via <user* ...
RE: club_cafe: Having a DiscussionJust a quick note on this important aspect of Investment Club process. Our club has a standing Investment Committee (IC) which meets the week before the monthly meeting, chaired by the club's VP, with the Treasurer and two or three other members. The good news ...
Re: Scott TradeThanks John, That's enough info for me. I'll stick with TD Waterhouse. John R. Munn wrote: > Debra > > One of my clubs uses Scottrade and while they are inexpensive, they are > not without problems. Scottrade does not offer us a money market ...
Re: [club_cafe] Tax Season DecompressionPiece of Cake very easy to follow and everything balanced but we have simple investments with dividends recorded each month it only takes me about 5 minutes to balance each month On Fri, Apr 25, 2014 at 10:35 AM, Laurie Frederiksen < > wrote: ...
Re: [club_cafe] Foliofn - InteractiveBrokers Acoount transferBefore you switch, check out Etrade.A A TDA was recently purchased by Charles Schwab and Schwab has yet to formalize how they are going to deal with investment clubs from TDA.A I posted something here a month or so ago, and they made it pretty ...
Be realistic about the fees.I have been away from the computer for a couple of days and just have three comments. 1. I found it totally ridiculous that Rob Nagler (Bivio CTO) came on this board and posted that a considerable amount of soul-seaching was done prior to making ...
Re: [club_cafe] Member made partial withdrawal in 2017I finally get it now... thank you all for your responses! From: <> on behalf of "John Rice via" <user*> Reply-To: <> Date: Saturday, February 17, 2018 at 2:38 PM To: The Club Cafe <> Subject: Re: [club_cafe] Member made partial withdrawal in 2017 ...
Re: [club_cafe] Medtronic (MDT) Tax JoyHi Laurie, I was glad to receive your email about MDT return of capital dividends. I found the information the day that I opened my 1099, but I think that there are many MDT holders who will not know what to do with what they ...