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Re: club_cafe: Sharing Stock PresentationsThanks Gene. Is it still cold up there in Orlando? It's finally warming up here in West Palm Beach. PS: I went directly to Lynn's site. (Am very impressed.) I wrote her that I could open the reports, but not the SSG's. They're in a ...
Unrealized Long Term gains, Member Withdrawl, and double taxationWell, the subject says it all. We've got a slew of unrealized long term gains. We've also got a few members leaving. Now, I've seen the withdrawl report and how they will be responsible for their gains on a Schedule-D. The question I've got is ...
Re: club_cafe: Unrealized Long Term gains, Member Withdrawl, and double taxat...In a message dated 4/5/2006 1:53:13 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes: Well, the subject says it all. We've got a slew of unrealized long term gains. We've also got a few members leaving. Now, I've seen the withdrawl report and how they will be ...
expenses spred around?Lets say I spend $20.00 on stamps etc., A Co-Partner spends $150.00 on a computer mainly for club use. and another spends what ever on what ever (log book, paper). HOW DOES ONE GET CREDIT FOR THE DEDUCTION as an expense? Is there a place ...
Slow AccountingI am frustrated. I was pleased to get my Email notice from Account Synch that payments had been posted, ready for me to identify, and also that we were out of balance with the broker by a specific amount, which I quickly identified from my ...
Re: club_cafe: Paying off withdrawing membersMike, Still, I suppose paying off in cash is a lot simpler from the accounting standpoint. (Isn't it?) From the accounting standpoint, it's just about as simple to use stock as cash. From a logistic standpoint, it takes a little more to get your broker ...
Damaged fileI have been attempting to do my clubs taxes, and everything was going well, till I clicked on 'Download the Clubs Complete Federal Tax Document', and after waiting for the download, a notice finally appeared that said "The file is damaged & could not be ...
Re: club_cafe: Damaged fileIn a message dated 2/3/2007 7:33:01 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes: I have been attempting to do my clubs taxes, and everything was going well, till I clicked on 'Download the Clubs Complete Federal Tax Document', and after waiting for the download, a notice ...
Re: "Qualified Dividend" Entry Remains "Dividend"Rip West wrote: > John, > > I think your broker is wrong, and your data is wrong as > entered in the accounting program > Thank you, Rip. I agree with your assessment that our brokerage firm is wrong in their their treatment of ...
Re: club_cafe: Waterhouse and AmeritradeIn a message dated 3/22/2007 3:19:18 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes: A quick follow-up to your most recent posting regarding data feeds and the AccountSync program. You stated: "TD Waterhouse (not Ameritrade, btw) seems to use a different data feed than other companies." Would ...
Re: club_cafe: Confused about renewal writes: > We have been a Bivio member for 4-5 years, and are up for > renewal. Recently we received a notice saying Accountkeeper is > discontinued, because Bivio "can't deliver the service you deserve at > the price you have to pay". I ...
Re: club_cafe: members complaining about poor returns..Mike, I don't follow exactly where you are coming from on this. You say that there is a 'loss of faith in the unit value system'. Looking at the changes in unit values is not a reliable guide for measuring performance. Here is a quote ...
Re: club_cafe: New Club WebsiteHello Lee, I finally had an opportunity to tour this morning. The site is very sophisticated from a webmaster's viewpoint. I'm assuming you have a professional in your club who's working with it. The site is obviously very nice, indeed. I see a lot ...
Re: New Club WebsiteLynn, Thanks for stopping by and commenting. Actually I put the site together myself using Wordpress and a godaddy hosting account. It's pretty straight forward and easy to do. We actually have another site that is more for ECCP members: (you need a membership ...
Re: Re: Exporting your accounting into an ICF file???????Rob Nagler wrote: > Shirley Cotten writes: > > Ira, thank you, but the problem is it automatically saves it > > to an ICF file which my PC does not read. How do I get it > > to accept an ICF file? > ...