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 Mcdonalds Corp (MCD)
Quantity Owned: 1.268829
Date Exec. Type Remark Shares Amount
09/02/2008 bivio buy 0.0122 0.76
08/01/2008 bivio sell, lot cost basis (0.0642) (3.41)
sell, STCG   0.43
07/01/2008 bivio buy 0.0523 2.99
06/02/2008 bivio buy 0.0790 4.63
05/01/2008 bivio buy 0.0420 2.56
04/01/2008 bivio buy 0.0968 5.51
03/03/2008 bivio buy 1.6020 85.16
12/02/2002 bivio sell, lot cost basis (0.0831) (1.52)
sell, lot cost basis (0.0414) (1.16)
sell, lot cost basis (0.1849) (4.84)
sell, lot cost basis (0.3703) (10.12)
sell, lot cost basis (0.0566) (1.55)
sell, lot cost basis (0.3010) (8.02)
sell, lot cost basis (0.4539) (13.18)