To see a list of all transactions associated with a specific investment, go to the Accounting>Investments page and then and then click on its name.
At the top of the list displayed, you'll see buttons which will allow you to enter additional transactions related to the investment, such as a purchase or sale, income in the form of dividends, interest, or capital gains distributions, stock splits, etc. For a complete description of making these entries, please see
Investment Transactions. You'll also have the ability to edit or delete specific transactions.
The transaction list will show the following information:
- Quantity Owned - The current number of shares of the investment owned by the club.
- Date - The date of the transaction.
- Exec - The UserID of the club officer who entered the transaction. If it was entered by AccountSync it will say account_sync in this field.
- Type - The type of transaction. For example, buy is a purchase transaction, buy-comm is a commission associated with a purchase, and sell, STCG is a short term capital gain realized by the club in a sell transaction.
- Remark - Any remarks entered with the transaction.
- Shares - The increase or decrease in number of shares held by the club as a result of a transaction.
- Amount - The cost basis of the shares in the transaction.
Actions - Options for an officer to Delete or Edit transactions entered in error.
- Delete - Allows an officer to Delete transactions
entered in error. Check the box shown here and then confirm the deletion by scrolling down and clicking on the delete button at the bottom of the list. This will take you to a screen where you will be able to make a final confirmation that you want to delete the selected transaction. This helps to ensure that transactions are not inadvertently deleted.
- Edit - When Edit is selected the appropriate transaction screen will be displayed along with all data as originally entered. The officer may then edit any or all of this transaction specific data, as appropriate.
Warning: Transactions related to club investments should never be deleted unless entered erroneously. This is the case even if the club no longer owns them.
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