Tax return as prepared by Bivio not Correct
Our tax return as prepared by Bivio says it is not correct because we hold an MLP investment this past year, but our records indicate we have an ETF and other (NYSE) exchange traded stocks which two of them have ADR status and we had ...
2 messages
Disbanding club/Schedule K block 9a has a huge number/Is this correct?
Hello, I am unsure what I may have done incorrectly but our club is disbanding. Everyone cashed out except two individuals. The individuals who chose the stock options have a huge amount in block 9a compared to the others. Please advise.
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member privileges
When withdrawing a member last year, I did not mark her as withdrawn. However, now I would like to change her privilege from member to withdrawn. How do I accomplish that?
3 messages
I would just like to say that between the two clubs I have been in we have used Bivio for our operations. If I am not mistaken my first club signed onto Bivio not long after it started operations. So I must say that we ...
8 messages
Bivio can't compute the Liberty (LVNTA, GLIBA, QRTEA) Spinoffs?
Is anyone else having trouble accounting for the Liberty Spinoffs in 2018? I'm having particular trouble with the LVNTA/GLIBA/QRTEA spins. I'm not sure Bivio's Spinoff transaction feature is able to account for it, properly.
1 message
NY State State form
When can we expect the NY State Tax forms?
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Entering addresses and SSN
No offense intended to Bivio but we prefer to not have our home addresses and SSN's in yet another location "on the internet". With only 8 partners, we have always manually entered address and SSN on the tax return prior to mailing. It doesn't appear ...
7 messages
Section 199A/
I know you suggested that anyone owning a REIT should sell it. We own VNQ a REIT mutual and I explained the problem to our members but they opted to hang onto the stock. There are quarterly entries of Section 199A in the end of ...
3 messages
Tax Program Question- Country Origin of Foreign tax?
A question in the 2018 partnership tax interview is asking: To select the country for any investment which received foreign taxes? Our club owned EEM which is a Blackrock etf investing in a multitude of foreign stocks. Are we suppose to identify all the countries ...
7 messages
dealing with losses for withdrawing individuals if the club realized a gain
It isn't clear to me how losses can be allocated. Our situation is that a friend jumped into a partnership a friend and I have had investing in 2017 after becoming excited at our performance, but as the market sank they demanded to be withdrawn. ...
11 messages
nondividend distribution from Dr. Pepper
We received $3,700 from Dr. Pepper Snapple last year. This was from the buyout by Keurig. I thought this Was a regular dividend, but the 1099 shows it as a nondividend distribution. Can you tell me how this should be treated on the partner's k-1's ...
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Tax Program
Any idea when it will be available?
11 messages
I am very satisfied with Bivio. Accounting would be impossible without them. Patricia Knapp Oceansurf Investment Club Sent from my iPad
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I know very little about trust. If a member has a trust, do all their assets go into the trust, or do they designate which go in. With the new tax laws, we are to identify if someone has a trust. I am not clear ...
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Cost Basis Reporting Terminology - Part 2
Here are some more terms you will want to familiarize yourself with to better understand the forms you'll be handling when you prepare your investment club taxes: Tax Lot If you have purchased a stock at several different times, including purchases you make each time ...
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