Does the 1065 (page 3) need to have a partner designated as a representative for the IRS if the return has opted out of the centralized partnership audit regime?
I just got this message from our president: "AZ is requiring electronic filing starting with this tax year(?) unless one obtains a waiver. Does BIVIO provide such options and how much? " We have always mailed in our returns. How do we do it electronically? ...
Hello. During a discussion with some other clubs it was suggested to me that individual club members should sign an agreement that they adhere to their club's bylaws. These signed agreements would be filed in our Bivio file folder. Does anyone have experience with this ...
You need to mail the returns by certified mail, return receipt requested. Martina On Monday, February 17, 2020 Linda Wiltse via < > wrote: Bivio does not have the ability to e-file. A From: [] On Behalf Of V Johnson via ...
I have been going through and doing the steps from Bivio for tax preparation. The question below came up and I am not sure if I should check this or not. Amy Carlson Centralized Partnership Audit Regime for 12/31/2019 IRS Audit Procedures, Our Recommendations Check ...
We did not sale any stocks. However, the instructions say submit a schedule D as I always have in the past years without the sale of stocks. Will the IRS reject my taxes without submitting the form even if all the entries will be $0. ...
Are tax forms ready in Bivio? I can not find a copy of the webinar in Bivio on preparing taxes? I did listen to the webinar but thought I would be able to review it as we were preparing taxes. I went into the webinar ...
The Low PE for Fleetcor should be 22, not 32. I have attached the revised judgment sheet and posted it to the website. Ticker,Sales,EPS,High PE,Low PE,Current payout,Choice other than 4Ba,Fiscal Year End,SSG NUMBERS Last Changed AL,14,12,13,5,6,,DEC,06-19-22 CMD,8,13,40,30,8.3,,JUL,07-16-23 CTSH,6,10,24.5,15,17.800009765625,,DEC,05-21-23 FAST,8,8,27.70001953125,19.4,67,,DEC,07-16-23 FFIN,10,9,27,18.1,40,,DEC,04-16-23, FLT,12.5,14.5,30,22,0,,DEC,09-17-23, FWRD,6,8,23,16,29.82001953125,,JUN,07-16-23, MMS,9,10.300009765625,24,16.300009765625,30,,SEPT,12-17-23, MNST,9,10,35,23,0,,DEC,01-21-24, NEOG,9,14,50,35,0,,MAY,01-22-23 ...
As I was doing my taxes in BIVIO I noticed that the schedule D is not available. Is there a reason why? Kevin Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone
My club only has a brokerage account at TDAmeritrade. We also have a personal checking account at Chase to conduct routine business. The pres, vp, and treasurer have signing authority on this account. This method works for us. Martina On Monday, February 17, 2020 Ira ...
My club has an investment club account at TDAmeritrade and have never experienced these problems. Perhaps you should change to another brokerage. On Sunday, February 16, 2020 Linda Wiltse via < > wrote: I would like to inform the Bivio community of what ...
I would like to inform the Bivio community of what our club has gone through to try to change our officers with our Fidelity brokerage account. We had tried several years ago to change officers with no success. Last year we changed officers again and ...
Hello. I recently had a member resign because our club meets in daytime during his working hours, which has been the norm for 20 years. I would like to recommend that the member join a virtual club (club meeting at a distance, via skype or ...
It can take a while for final information to come out when a reorganization happens. This was a taxable transaction.A You received .005371 shares of WAB for each share of GE that you owned. According to information I just got from GE today,A each of ...