Filing taxes
Do we need to include the page which follows the K1 which states, the club has opted out of the centralized partnership audit regime? Thanks
2 messages
#18 on Partnership agreement
Don't understand the last one, about the estate for a decease person?
1 message
see tax question below.
When I go through the questions to prepare for the taxes, it shows the club registered with me with my address. Our club is made up of relatives in different states. Our treasurer is in a different state with a different address. Is it ok ...
9 messages
American Depositary Receipt
We are looking at a foreign stock that is on the American Depositary Receipt. Has anyone invested in a foreign stock that is on this trading platform and, if so, has it caused problems when you do your taxes for the year? Zeta Keystone Investment ...
3 messages
Folio Cash Hold
Laurie, et., al. I have two Clubs that use Folio and I am the Treasurer (for life!) for both. We have developed a "work around" the Bill Pay issues for those Partners who wish to use it without the ridicules hold period. I always send ...
20 messages
Partnership Representative for IRS - 1065, page 3
I believe Ira's explanation needs clarification. For clubs that opt out, the IRS will audit the partnership and then provide a schedule of each partner's share the partnership audit adjustments. The IRS can't make any adjustments to a partner's tax return without first auditing the ...
1 message
Partnership Representative for IRS - 1065, page 3
Does the 1065 (page 3) need to have a partner designated as a representative for the IRS if the return has opted out of the centralized partnership audit regime?
2 messages
electronic filing
I just got this message from our president: "AZ is requiring electronic filing starting with this tax year(?) unless one obtains a waiver. Does BIVIO provide such options and how much? " We have always mailed in our returns. How do we do it electronically? ...
7 messages
Individual membership agreement?
Hello. During a discussion with some other clubs it was suggested to me that individual club members should sign an agreement that they adhere to their club's bylaws. These signed agreements would be filed in our Bivio file folder. Does anyone have experience with this ...
5 messages
Tax forms
You need to mail the returns by certified mail, return receipt requested. Martina On Monday, February 17, 2020 Linda Wiltse via < > wrote: Bivio does not have the ability to e-file. A From: [] On Behalf Of V Johnson via ...
4 messages
Tax question
I have been going through and doing the steps from Bivio for tax preparation. The question below came up and I am not sure if I should check this or not. Amy Carlson Centralized Partnership Audit Regime for 12/31/2019 IRS Audit Procedures, Our Recommendations Check ...
3 messages
Schedule D (continue)
We did not sale any stocks. However, the instructions say submit a schedule D as I always have in the past years without the sale of stocks. Will the IRS reject my taxes without submitting the form even if all the entries will be $0. ...
3 messages
Tax forms
Are tax forms ready in Bivio? I can not find a copy of the webinar in Bivio on preparing taxes? I did listen to the webinar but thought I would be able to review it as we were preparing taxes. I went into the webinar ...
9 messages
wrong figures for FLT; new judgment figures attached
The Low PE for Fleetcor should be 22, not 32. I have attached the revised judgment sheet and posted it to the website. Ticker,Sales,EPS,High PE,Low PE,Current payout,Choice other than 4Ba,Fiscal Year End,SSG NUMBERS Last Changed AL,14,12,13,5,6,,DEC,06-19-22 CMD,8,13,40,30,8.3,,JUL,07-16-23 CTSH,6,10,24.5,15,17.800009765625,,DEC,05-21-23 FAST,8,8,27.70001953125,19.4,67,,DEC,07-16-23 FFIN,10,9,27,18.1,40,,DEC,04-16-23, FLT,12.5,14.5,30,22,0,,DEC,09-17-23, FWRD,6,8,23,16,29.82001953125,,JUN,07-16-23, MMS,9,10.300009765625,24,16.300009765625,30,,SEPT,12-17-23, MNST,9,10,35,23,0,,DEC,01-21-24, NEOG,9,14,50,35,0,,MAY,01-22-23 ...
2 messages
Schedule D for Form 1065
As I was doing my taxes in BIVIO I noticed that the schedule D is not available. Is there a reason why? Kevin Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone
1 message