We are currently moving our club trading accounts from TD Waterhouse to Ameritrade due primarily to rising expenses with trading at TDW. Has anyone had any bad experiences with Ameritrade ? So far, their response line is better, they take faxed signatures on documents, and ...
7 messages
Multiple State members
Do any clubs deal with members from various states. A group of us are trying to start a club, and we are in various states - 3 in Virginia, 1 in Pennsylvania, and 1 in Maryland. Any thoughts about how to handle such a unique, ...
4 messages
Investment Club Broker
I've finally convinced my club to move to an internet broker rather than using Edward Jones at $50 a pop. My objectives are low cost, high consumer confidence, and easy fund transfer. I'm leaning toward Ameritrade primarily because they are a bivio partner. Since I ...
2 messages
PictureTel bought by Polycom
Our Club owns shares of PictureTel. It was recently purchased by Polycom, but we have not received any information on converting our shares. Does this normally take time? I have look at both companies websites and see nothing that tells me what to do. When ...
2 messages
First club meeting
I would like to know what everyone has done or suggests on what to discuss for our first clubs meeting. I'm in search of some sort of template of ideas to discuss with the other members. Any information and ideas would be appreciated. Kathy
2 messages
Accounting for Inactive Member
How do you account for an inactive member who is still considered a partner but during this inactive period the partner does not pay dues nor received any portion of late fees and miscellenous income during this period. (However, the operating policy allow for the ...
3 messages
Mentor needed
Help - I need a mentor I can chat with on AOL. I am new to this software program. Any volunteers?
7 messages
Making sense of the 20% rule
Virtually all suggested partnership agreements include a provision that "no partner's capital account shall exceed twenty percent (20%) of the capital accounts of all partners." I also read somewhere that there is some ruling that requires this and that it is not an option. I ...
4 messages
Recording FEES
Using the NAIC Accounting Software, when entering fees of 10.00 each from all members (not equal shares), how does the fees gets recorded? ( I understand it does not buy any units) Is there a separate account for fees or does it get recorder to ...
10 messages
Where do I find an investment club to join?
I joined Bivio..thought there might be a list of clubs by state..I am looking for a club in Florida (Tampa Bay area). I filled out the profile sheet nothing yet in the e-mail box..with all the clubs joined on Bivio..there must a list somewhere I ...
1 message
We are wondering exactly what the tax laws are with respect to the amount of capital losses that a club can take. Is there a dollar limit per club or does it simply apply the $3000 loss per member? Thanks in advance. Lounge Rat Investment ...
2 messages
On-Line Trade Broker
Which on-line brocker do you suggest to buy stock through? Are there any with cheaper commissions, or better service etc?
4 messages
# of members
Is there any recommendations as to how many members is ideal to start a club? Should there be a limit on how many join? Thanks, Peyton
2 messages
Valuation Date
Help! I am the treasurer of a new group and have been inputting our books to bivio and to NAIC Club Accounting. I cannot figure out what date to put into the valuation date field when you enter the members payments. Am I wrong to ...
2 messages
Handling "cash in lieu" on reinvested dividends
My brokerage statement lists a reinvestment transaction using multiple line items. For example: IBM DIV $16.26 IBM REINV 0.168 shr @ $96.71 IBM REINV CSH IN LIEU $0.01 Q: Does Bivio handle the cash in lieu automatically if I enter a single transaction IBM REINV ...
4 messages