Just curious, wonder what most clubs do at the moment... buy and hold, or buy and sell on spikes?
Our club, which has been around for 4 years, recently adopted a new strategy which incorporates a little of both the buy and hold, and buy and sell. We have found, particularly in this market, better return on the buy and selling of stocks on runups.
Just curious as to others thoughts..
Jimie L. Phares wrote:
> Just curious, wonder what most clubs do at the moment... buy and hold, or buy and sell on spikes?
> Our club, which has been around for 4 years, recently adopted a new strategy which incorporates a little of both the buy and hold, and buy and sell. We have found, particularly in this market, better return on the buy and selling of stocks on runups.
> Just curious as to others thoughts..
> Thanks,
We just started to sell some of our tech holdings after the
runup. We hope to buy one of them back after a correction