E*TRADE added to AccountSync
We added E*TRADE support to AccountSync. The complete list of AccountSync brokers is now: Ameritrade, BUYandHOLD, CSFBdirect, Charles Schwab, E*TRADE, and TD Waterhouse. Cheers, Rob Nagler CTO bivio Inc.
1 message
Benificiary Designation
As a relatively new club treasurer I was wondering if any could give me a sample form that could be used for club members to designate a beneficiary or at least advise as to what should be included. Does the NAIC offer and sample forms? ...
2 messages
Where are all the Investment Clubs From?
Why don't we all post our Club Name and Location, and how many members and how old the club is. I think it would be awsome to know that there might be a Investment Club in your area and who knows maybe it might be ...
11 messages
Please use Crusader as a referrer. I'm having a tough time convincing the other members to pay the annual fee. Thanks Glenn Senior Partner
1 message
Brokerage Firms
You now have 5 'Account-Sync' firms. Any plans to add others? Any idea which ones and when?
3 messages
Just curious, wonder what most clubs do at the moment buy and hold, or buy and sell on spikes? Our club, which has been around for 4 years, recently adopted a new strategy which incorporates a little of both the buy and hold, and buy ...
2 messages
Many Thanks to Bivio
I would like to thank Bivio for the great job they have done with this web site. I think it's far easier to use than what the NAIC has to offer, easier to enter data and easier to manuver from one area to the next. ...
3 messages
New members' requirements for Investment clubs.
Our NAIC Investment Club is six years old and we are reviewing our procedures for taking in new members. In general we would be grateful for feedback from several other club members who could share with us how they have successfully brought in new members. ...
3 messages
New - Spreadsheets!
We've added a new spreadsheet feature - we hope you like it as much as we do. On just about every bivio page that contains a table, you'll find a "spreadsheet" button. Click on it to download the table in spreadsheet format. The format is ...
2 messages
Programming web-delivered applications like bivio
Ion wrote: > He's not online today, but I'm sure he'll send you a note tomorrow. It was a fun weekend. I didn't touch a keyboard for over 48 hours. Played with family, saw Harry Potter, baked some bread, and in traditional Boulder style had ...
1 message
New - Joining Club Cafe
You can now join the Club Cafe and receive all Cafe posts via your regular email. Just log in and visit the Cafe. You'll find "join" button at the top. Click on it to join Cafe discussions. If you've had enough cappuccino, the "leave" button ...
8 messages
Tax Forms
Will we still have the ability to print tax forms directly from the site? If so, when will it be available?
2 messages
Real Estate Investment Club
I would like to start a general partnership real estate investment club. Club money would be used to fund rehab projects. Would Bivio services be appropriate for this type of venture? If not any suggestions?? Anyones advice and help is greatly appreciated. Thanks
2 messages
Datek & AccountSync
Are there any plans to add Datek to your list of AccountSync brokerages?
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brokerages and Accountsync
Does anyone know of brokerages that would do direct deposits into the brokerage account from each club member to save sending in checks each month?
3 messages