business code #
What is the best business code # to file under on the 1065 form? is there a code specific for investment clubs? thanks
2 messages
foreign nationals in our club
Hello all, We have a member who is not a US citizen, and another wanting to join. Can anyone enlighten me as to the legal implications of this arrangement? Thanks, eliz.
2 messages
Non-Resident Tax
Hello, Our club is registered in Pennsylvania. I am an out of state memeber, in MA. How do I handle Interest income and Dividends on my State Return? Thanks for your time and help. /db :-))
1 message
Adding New Member
We are discussing the issue of bring in new members to the club. My concern at this point is this, do we require new member to pay certain amount that is equal to what each member have paid into the club thus far or do ...
2 messages
Filing 1065 First Year Only
When we started our club in 2000, according to the research I did, it stated that you only had to complete the 1065 form once (the first year). If your investment club makes this decision, it must send a letter to the IRS stating this ...
9 messages
Coca Cola Co. & Intel
Why is it that I get this message: this value clashes with a ticker symbol in the bivio database every time I try to enter the Ticker symbol for Coca Cola and Intel? Doris
1 message
Club Chat
How do I access the Club's Chat room?
2 messages
new user id
I'm the administrator for our club site. WE now have new members, how do I set up their user id? When I first put the site up I set up all of the user id. Roxie
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State Forms
I guess I am confused, do we not need to file the same types of forms with our respective States? Such as our club in Illinios. If so does Bivio do the state forms? Steve
2 messages
corporate resolution
We are required to submit a "corporate resolution" for a few transactions we are about to make. Is there a standard format or template we can use? Does it have to be notarized?
1 message
Filing Taxes
Approximately how long should members of the club wait to file their personal taxes after the club has sent in all the tax forms to the IRS. Is there a certain amount of time that is needed for the IRS to process the club taxes ...
2 messages
Legal Implications
Hello, Would it be possible to set up a club which relies on a stock picking service for potential investments? The investments would last no longer than a week and some may only last a day or so. The service would suggest a few stocks ...
2 messages
Taxes--No stocks--No dividends
Hi all! I'm getting ready to do our club taxes tonight. We started the club in October, and opened a non-interest-bearing checking account. We just received confirmation that our brokerage account has been approved, so we have no holdings and no interest earned. My question ...
2 messages
Illinois Club
As a new investment club we registered with the IRS and we got our Federal Tax ID number, but with the State of Illinois it is a little less clear what we need to do as an investment club and whether our partnership has to ...
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Withdrawn Members
I don't kow what happened, but all of a sudden members that withdrew from our club years ago are showing up in our Member Roster - What button do I click to make them disappear? Can I just delete them? They had no activities in ...
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