club_cafe: AUTO-DEPOSIT
I spent several hours trying to initiate direct deposit with my bank in Chicago. The best I could do would have resulted in a $15 total monthly fee for our club. We decided that this roughly 1% charge was not justified. You are right that ...
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club_cafe: AUTO-DEPOSIT
Yes, Buy and Hold does have a way for clubs to have there member personal bank accounts debit into the club's account. Although I'm not sure if this can be done with all credit unions. Also Bivio has a service that will monitor these deposit ...
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Can someone tell me if Ameritrade and BuyAndHold allow members to make automatic deposits? We are currently with E-Trade and they will only support Direct Deposit if our bank initiates the transaction. Several of our members bank with a credit union which will not initiate ...
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club_cafe: Changing the brokerage firm
What is your reason to change to Waterhouse. The reason I ask, I have my personal account with Waterhouse and was thinking of changing. Rose Rooney, Original Message From: ANNE WEEKS <> To: <> Date: Saturday, September 07, 2002 3:40 PM Subject: club_cafe: ...
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Social Security Numbers/Taxes
Is there a way to use the tax function of Bivio without putting members' Social Security numbers online? Can they be hand entered after the taxes are prepared? We have several members who have concerns about having this identification information on a web site.
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club_cafe: Buying out another member
There are several ways you can buy out a member. 1) All members could buy out the member in equal portions and you can raise money or sell stock to come up with the funds. 2) One or more individual members could decide to buy ...
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Changing the brokerage firm
Our club has been using Accountsync (We love it) with Schwab and are now changing to Waterhouse. What steps should I take to ensure that we don't lose any records of basis etc. when the change occurs? Thanks for any tips. Anne W.
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The Starting of a New Club
I wanted to start a club, but don't personally know enough people to get it off the ground. Would appreiciate some advice from people who have started there club with people they were matched up with online. Is it working? If you had it to ...
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Buying out another member
A member of our club wants to withdraw, and I want to purchase her shares. How is this transaction accomplished? It appears that the withdrawal process requires the club to distribute the shares equally among members and distribute money to the withddrawing member. What is ...
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Removal from email list
Please remove me from your automatic email list. Thanks
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Remove Members
We have a couple of members who want to withdraw from the club. The remaining members have decided to buy out their portion with cash to save broker fees for liquidating shares. How do we deal with this in the member roster and accounting? I ...
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club_cafe: What type of business
Even though my club is an LLC, I don't believe there is any advantage to this structure. In some states, you do NOT want to be an LLC because there are steep annual fees. Here in NJ, it costs us $50/year to keep our LLC ...
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club_cafe: What type of business
We formed as a partnership in 1996 and have had good results under this structure. We received a federal tax ID and I have always completed the Partnership Tax returns as required. All members receive a 10-K each spring and report any club dividends and ...
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What type of business
We are a trying to start a new club and would like to hear any ideas about what type of business do we start? We are thinking a Limited Liability Company is our best option. Any other thoughts or ideas?
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How do I record the Citigroup change? We have 85 shares of C, but now also have 3 shares of TAP/A and 7 shares ofTAP/B. They were added to our account without us doing anything. We also received cash ($9.35 and $8.01) in lieu of ...
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