club_cafe: Member Buy out
Yes, it poses problems if you do not make payment before 12/31. In a nutshell, the IRS does not consider the member to be withdrawn until the money is paid. See the following for more information: Ira Smilovitz In a message dated 12/01/02 ...
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At our last meeting several of our members wanted to sell WCOM because of the loss we occurred, and the fact that WCOM is going bankrupt or has already gone bankrupt. It was brought to our attention that the stock is still trading. We could ...
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Member Buy out
The buy out date of a member is 10/21/02. We have six months to sent her check. I have already entered the buy out. Does this pose any problems for the end of the year taxes for her or the club if we send the ...
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Annualized Internal Rate of Return
How can I have a stock that in my holdings I'm up 10% on, but when I go to the investment performance report the Annualized IRR shows a negative 53%? Any help would be appreciated.
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Expense Ration
I think the expense ratio is a good item to track. However, you are comparing apples to oranges when you are then taking your expense ratios and comparing them to actively managed mutual funds. The fees quoted for mutual funds do not include many of ...
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club_cafe: RE: Brokerage Accounts
We also have 2 accounts, and both are interest bearing. One we use at State Discount for check writing, while the other (BuyandHold) is used for stock purchases. Both accounts were opened with only $20. Maintaining both accounts are very easy using Bivio. B- Original ...
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Online forum
We are a club that, due to geographical reasons, cannot meet as much as possible. We would like to explore the possibility of conducting meetings online, in a private chat room. However, we do not know where to begin in regards to this. Are there ...
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club_cafe: Brokerage Accounts
We are using Harris Direct and have no issues. Online brokers used to experience 'down time' or crashes back in 1998-1999. Some alleged savvy traders used to tout the two and three brokerage accounts as a way to conduct 24/7 trading. I am trying to ...
2 messages
Sell or Hold?
Our club is doing a lot of reorganization at this time. One of the problems we have always had is when to sell a stock. We would be interested in any criteria that other clubs have used in making this decision.
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club_cafe: Re: Expense Ratio
There is the easy method and the more complex method. An easy computation is to take total dollars collected less total dollars invested and divide by total assets on hand. This will capture fees, dues and other brokerage related transaction costs. If you take money ...
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Expense Ratio
I would be interested if other clubs calculate their expense ratio to determine club cost effectiveness. In our early years we exceeded 2% due to the start up costs associated with starting a club. We have slowly declined expenses and raised investments - but we ...
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Expense Ratio
Can one you tell me how you are computing your expense ratio? We are currently not doing this, but it is something I would like to do for our club. Thanks, Barbara Burgess, Treasurer MET
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Brokerage Accounts
How many of you are maintaining two brokerage accounts? Please share your reason(s) for maintaining two brokerage accounts. We are in the process of leaving TD Waterhouse because of excessive fees and high commissions. One of our partners would like to keep them as a ...
3 messages
club_cafe: Brokerage Accounts
Barbara, I can't think of a good reason to maintain two accounts for a small club. As you stated, you will be paying inactivity fees to TDWaterhouse, in addition to any trading fees/commissions at Ameritrade. If you have any problems at Ameritrade, you won't be ...
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Buy or Sell?1 message