Sell or Hold?
Our club is doing a lot of reorganization at this time. One
of the problems we have always had is when to sell a stock.
We would be interested in any criteria that other clubs have
used in making this decision.
Hello Marge,

I've never seen a set criteria for selling a stock. I think everyone has
their own idea of when it's time. NAIC has provided some areas that can be
used to spark a discussion. They are:

 1) Adverse change in management;
 2) Declining profit margin;
 3) Deteriorating financial condition;
 4) Competition affecting profits;
 5) Dependence on a single product;
 6) To balance the portfolio or to purchase a better stock.

If yours is an NAIC club, as well, and you have Toolkit Pro, you can use the
Pert A worksheet to follow the quarter-over-quarter trends in each company
to help determine whether a company is heading for trouble.

Lynn Ostrem, Minneapolis

If the stock falls 15% below its purchase price, we sell.