club_cafe: withdrawing member
>>We have a member who is withdrawing and we want to pay her off in two or three payments. She will be getting cash and we don't want to sell any of our stocks. How do I handle this in the withdrawl page, where it ...
2 messages
withdrawing member
We have a member who is withdrawing and we want to pay her off in two or three payments. She will be getting cash and we don't want to sell any of our stocks. How do I handle this in the withdrawl page, where it ...
2 messages
Withdrawal check not cashed
We had a member withdraw who did not cash her withdrawal check. The funds were returned to our brokerage account after a year. How do we record this in Bivio? Is this something for a suspense account? The former member has since moved across the ...
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Any update on adding Scottrade to AccountSync?
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club_cafe: Beneficiary Form
Do NOT do this!!! You are looking for trouble. Any beneficiary designation will not be binding on the partnership and any attempt by the partnership to follow the instructions of such a designation may open the partnership to a suit from the executor of the ...
2 messages
club_cafe: Withdrawing Members
As long as you have at least two members, you can still maintain your club. What you are probably referring to is the rule that if more than 50% of the ownership interest in a partnership is sold or transferred within a year, the partnership ...
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Withdrawing Members
Are there rules from the IRS or any others that state how many club members can withdrawal from a Club in any given year?
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Introducing a new way to evaluate stocks
Top Stocks Rank List - SP500 This site employs a new method to evaluate the stocks on the SP500, NYSE, and NASDAQ markets. Check out this amazing list of stocks to buy, high dividend yields, NASDAQ, and top gainers over two and six-day periods. You ...
1 message
club_cafe: Withdrawal check not cashed
You are dealing with what is known as an escheatment issue. If you hold an asset that does not belong to you (the former partner's investment value), the value eventually must be transferred to the State. This is a common issue in business where a ...
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Beneficiary Form
Do any of you guys have a beneficiary form completed by each partner. My club is considering having each partner complete a beneficiary form and let the secretary keep this on file. We will also scan these documents into a computer. I was thinking of ...
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Online Brokers
Hi all, The club I'm in has been doing some research into various online brokers. Currently we use Etrade which provides checking, but is rather costly at 19.99+ per trade. However in looking to switch, we've found there would be some problems as it seems ...
6 messages
If a member joined a full year after the original members why is their airr higher? They own a lower % of the portfolio. Is this because stock purchased since their joining are doing better than the original stocks? How does this happen? Thank you.
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Valuation Date
Can the valuation date for converting member payments into club units be changed? In other words, If we have established a valuation date for our club as the first of the month; can we change this and make the valuation date the day the transaction ...
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club_cafe: Delinquent Dues and Late Fees at time of Withdrawal
Right now you are boxed in by your partnership agreement and you must follow it or change it. I have a strong philosophical disagreement with your agreement. A club is not "entitled" to regular dues from its members. If a member contributes money s/he gets ...
1 message
Accounting Problems
Our Club formed in January '03. We started with Bivio in May, Lost a member in June, and bought our first stocks at the end of June. Our problem is this: We were entering member contributions for the time of Jan - June without having ...
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