Having a Discussion
One of the most powerful yet difficult aspects of picking stocks as a group is being able to have a discussion and then make a decision when people may disagree. If handled the right way, this dissension can actually lead to better decision making because ...
5 messages
Club Cafe Membership Drive
Hi Everyone, Does anybody listen to NPR radio? If so, you're familiar with membership drives. I'd like to have a Club Cafe membership drive. I've made a commitment to keep sharing information about doing your accounting or running your club on a regular basis and ...
7 messages
A simple report
My club members would like me to provide each month what they feel is a fairly simple report: - How much have we invested (in total for all years) - What do we have to show for it Now, simplistically, what we've invested is our ...
16 messages
tax basis
The question has come up at our latest meeting. Why is the tax basis so much more than the total paid in? I read the help, but I want to be able to explain it to the group in simple terms. Thanks,
2 messages
Looking to Join a Nationwide Online Investment Club?
HI ALL, We wanted to invite BI members who have been looking for a club but, have been unable to find a local one to join our national on-line stock club. We are looking for new members. We currently have 8 members and are looking ...
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Motivation To Learn To Invest
I'm very interested in the topic of how you get yourself motivated to do something like learning to invest. I frequently talk with friends and family members who are worried about their financial future. They wonder if they're doing enough but are so overwhelmed by ...
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Balance Sheet Report
If I generate Balance Sheet Report for 2010, I get a line that shows: Unallocated Earnings - (Losses) 0.68 What's happening? Do I have an error somewhere? (If I generate it for 2009 it shows: Unallocated Earnings - (Losses) 0.00 Thanks Jay
2 messages
Chipotle Mexican Grill (CMG)
A stock study for the April meeting of the Challenge Club on Chipotle Mexican Grill (CMG) has been posted to the Challenge Club public files area. It's an interesting overview of divergent opinions and includes a look at momentum and ownership considerations. Mark Robertson
3 messages
Member withdrawal - cash and security
Our club will transfer one block of stock and enough cash to equal her shares on March 31. We own a company and there are 3 blocks of stock. There is an initial purchase followed by a split where the basis is zero. The third ...
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Calling Accountants: Checks Written in Excess?
Rip, Ira, Laurie, et al. During our group study of Lifeway Foods (LWAY), Charles Bard noted a balance sheet entry that I'm not familiar with and wondered if you could shed any light. Checks Written in Excess of Bank Balances = $342,976 Is that what ...
3 messages
Results of Valuation Dates Survey
Thank you to everyone who responded to the valuation dates survey. I thought there was a really nice response. I have posted the information received here: As you can see, there is a variety of valuation dates being used and a variety of reasons ...
1 message
What happens to returns when you sell and buy back?
Hi Laurie, I was going to write this note privately, but then I decided it would probably benefit everyone on the board. We placed a stop loss order today that may execute if the earnings report isn't up to snuff this week. I won't share ...
3 messages
April 15-Win a Free bivio Subscription!
Hi Everyone, We made it! In honor of April 15 and the work all of you have done to shepherd your clubs through another tax season, we think you deserve a gold star and a chance to win a free bivio subscription. We know how ...
3 messages
Valuation Report - Override current price
Is there a way to override the current price used in the Valuation Report? I have a few securities where we are off fractionally and one option position where the price is not current. On the option position, the report does highlight that a current ...
2 messages
member signatures on club partnership agreement
I'm wondering if anyone can offer me any input on the following? We use a partnership agreement very similar to the Better Investing sample one. Due to member changes over the years (both in and out), we have ended up with an agreement that lists ...
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