Funding TD Ameritrade Account
Hi, I am setting up a new investment club in Feb. using TD Ameritrade as our broker. I plan on having my members submit their contributions directly to the TD account having them list our account number on their checks. I plan on having that ...
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When are tax forms ready to produce k-1s going to be availiable?
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surplus $25
If I understand your situation correctly, you deposited $25 into your bank account (via an automated transfer) but never entered that deposit into your accounting software. This led to a $25 discrepancy between your checkbook/bank and your accounting records. If so, the easiest way to ...
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surplus $25
for over a year now i've had a $25 over balance in my checkbook that agrees with the bank balance but not with my investment club accounting. i finally found it las t night. a member died in 2010, and we paid her share to ...
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Audit Webinar Recording Posted
Hi Everyone, The recording of the webinar on how to do an audit is now available for your viewing enjoyment here: Audit Webinar -- Laurie Frederiksen Invest with your friends! Become our Facebook friend! Follow us on twitter!
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Heads Up
Just a heads up that you might want to double check your brokerage websites to see when you can expect your 1099's. While brokers are supposed to send them out by February 15, we've found at least two brokers, Folio Investing and TDAmeritrade, which are ...
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SOPA and PIPA Vote Canceled
This proves that you can have a say if enough people take the time to express their opinions. Thanks to all of you who let your Congressmen know you supported this. -- Laurie Frederiksen Invest with your friends! Become our Facebook friend! ...
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Name Registration Requirements for All States
On Fri, Jan 20, 2012 at 2:25 PM, berthahrt wrote: Actually my question was about the ficticious name, if I have to file for one in California. Dear Bertha, This link will take you to a page where you can access information about name registration ...
5 messages
How The Club Cafe List Works
Hi Everyone, If you're new to this list, please take the time to understand what you have joined and how it works. It's described here: About This List This link also describes how to unsubscribe from the list. Please do not send emails to the ...
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Actually my question was about the ficticious name, if I have to file for one in California. Sent from my HTC on the Now Network from Sprint! Reply message From: "Laurie Frederiksen" <> Date: Fri, Jan 20, 2012 10:29 am Subject: [club_cafe] Re: EIN To: ...
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I applied for and received an EIN for our partnership. The IRS confirmation letter is addressed to Tactical Gains Investment Fund, then my name appears under it as General Partner. The letter states "We assigned you EIN " Will each partner need to apply for ...
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Fictious Name
Our newly created investment partnership (and club), is titled Tactical Gains Investment Fund. I have applied for and received our EIN. Does anyone know how, or if is necessary, to register the name of our partnership with state authorities (Pennsylvania)? Would this be considered a ...
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First Solar-FSLR
Those of you who are interested in solar energy may have invested in or considered First Solar (FSLR) in your investment clubs. Trefis has recently revised their valuation estimate for the company way down, citing intense competition from Chinese manufacturers. They have done a very ...
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Non-participating member legal rules?
1/18/2012 We in the Model Club of Northern Virginia, MicNOVA, have a member who is in retirement I believe and last year took a 6-month leave to travel, then returned for approximately 4 months but did not resume her Stockwatcher position. Now she is requesting ...
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Non-participating member legal rules?
The SEC definition is not what you think it is. Any member that has the right to influence the decisions made by the club is a participating member, whether or not she chooses to exercise that right. A non-participating member (for the SEC) is someone ...
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