COOL Club Recording Posted!
For all who are interested, the recording of the first COOL Club session is now available for your viewing pleasure. It covers: Topics: About COOL Club, Covered Call Introduction, Example of Covered Call on ALGN. and answers to these: Questions: How do I find out ...
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Dashboard Diagnostics-July 17, 8:30PM ET
Good morning everyone, Mark Robertson will be doing a special Dashboard Diagnostics session tomorrow night. He'll be reviewing the Motley Fool Stock Advisor as a source of stock ideas. They have demonstrated an admirable track record and it should be interesting to hear what their ...
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Challenge Club Meeting-Sunday, July 15 at 8:30PM ET
Join in the fun Sunday evening at the July meeting of the Manifest Investing Challenge Club. We're meeting online at 8:30PM. Things might slack off during the summer but there are often great buying opportunities. Earnings season is just starting so there is lots to ...
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How to enter stock transferred from club into IAM
When my club disbanded last year, shares of stock were transferred to me. How do I enter that into IAM Investor Account Manager Quant IX software? How do I know my cost basis? I have since sold one of the stocks thanks, Etana
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Upcoming COOL Club
To wet your appetite for our upcoming COOL Club sessions, here are some questions from one of my Covered Options webinar attendees. I thought I would share the answers with Club Cafe. I currently own 300 shares of GE and would like to write a ...
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Duke Energy
Our Duke Energy stock split 1/3 but I can't find any more information about it. Does anyone know why? Or what the future might hold for the company?
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Does Your Investment Club Own any Chinese Companies?
A Chinese firm which lists its stock on our stock exchanges has to comply with our rules. One of them is a requirement that the company be audited by an auditor registered with the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board, or PCAOB. The PCAOB exercises its ...
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Member Withdwal ?
Hi, I have a member in my club who contributed 200 dollars to join back in Feb. 2012. This member stated yesterday that he wanted to withdrawal his account in full. We had cash to pay this amount owed to him in our brokerage account ...
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Sync on withdrawals
When full withdrawals with stock are entered into bivio on an account with broker sync, are the stock lot transfers automatically sent to the brokerage for execution? Or is the question of lots just covered in the withdrawal reports? We have done this before, but ...
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COOL Schedule!
I really appreciate all the nice feedback about our new COOL_Club. We are considering doing a COOL schedule for the COOL_Club. Often schedule time is an issue across the different time zones. To accommodate this we are thinking that we would have a different start ...
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Introducing the COOL_Club!
This is a "cool" idea. I have not learned enough about options to try yet. I am traveling on the first nite of CC and have England folk for a month after that so must play "catch up' with the recordings. Thanks for leading the ...
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Introducing the COOL_Club!
It's one thing to read about trading options. It's another thing to try doing them yourself. If you're intrigued with what you've heard about options but you haven't been able to get up the courage to take any action, you might be interested in attending ...
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Is the IPO Process Working for Individual Investors?
This was the topic of a senate hearing held on Wednesday. The hearing consisted of testimony from 4 experts, amongst them, Ilan Moscovitz from the Motley Fool. A webcast of the testimony as well as the written statements is available here: Examining the IPO Process. ...
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Buy Side Versus Sell Side Analysts
Were you ever curious about what is meant by a "Sell Side" Analyst? Why are they different from a "Buy Side" Analyst? It kind of sounds like one type recommends stocks to sell and the other recommends stocks to buy. That is partially true, but ...
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Ownership Percentages
It isn't the expenses that are responsible for the different ownership amounts (at least not directly), but rather the value of one unit at the time each member made a contribution to the club. Members who contribute funds at a time when the unit value ...
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