bivio 2012 Investment Club Tax Software Is Now Available!
The 2012 Tax Program is Released! We have been working very diligently to incorporate the last minute changes to the investment club tax program. It is now available for you to use if you go to Accounting>Taxes. There are some significant changes this year. You ...
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Special Dashboard Diagnostics Session Tonight
Manifest Investing maintains several special portfolios to give you different perspectives on investing and ideas for your investment clubs. What's the purpose of each of them? How can you use them to generate ideas and stay on top of your favorite stocks? Tonight Mark Robertson ...
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One of the reasons for the time it is taking to release the tax program this year is the inclusion of a new form called an 8949. Information on this form will need to agree with the 1099-B forms you will receive from your broker. ...
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Withdrawn member
A member withdrew from the club in June. Is there any way I can give her access to bivio to receive her K1? Carol FMIC investment club
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Tax Question
What does the box that says "Expert Taxes"mean? Do I check that?
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Using stocks for payout on departing members
Thank you. In a message dated 2/16/2013 11:29:48 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:
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Using stocks for payout on departing members
Are there any articles on using stocks for payout on departing members. Advantages and disadvantages including taxes. Appreciate the information.
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Krft spin off back in Oct 2012
I entered the spin off myself, but now while preparing to do taxes, (I ran a valuation statement for 12/31/2012) Krft is showing double the amount of shares. We should have 36 after the spin off. Our records, after my entry back in Oct, seemed ...
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Roman Candles and Cruise Missiles Screen
Five companies. You decide whether they've got another ignition stage, of if " Houston has a problem" or if any form of flame out is imminent. Maybe it's Valentine's Day afterglow, but I'm more than a little partial to Francesca's (FRAN) so far ... ...
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Changing Stock Brokers
We are planning on changing our stock broker after start of new year (2013). We will ask our current broker to transfer all shares to the new broker. For cash, we will write a check drawn on the old account and deposit into the new ...
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We're meeting tonight. When can I tell them they will have their tax forms.. It would be nice to be able to print them out tonight before the meeting. Thanks, Deb
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bivio In the News
The word about bivio continues to spread! We were pleased to be mentioned in an article about investment clubs in the current issue of Black Enterprise magazine. Here's a link to the magazine. You can find us on page 30 in the right-hand column. ...
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Annual Audit - PowerPoint and Audit Form Attached
I recommend you review this information before the meeting. It may take more than an hour to complete but there are things we can do before the meeting like verify your club contributions are correct. Attached is the PowerPoint & Notes and the Audit Form ...
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Transaction Lists
As you are doing audits or even monthly reconciliations, one of the most useful ways to look at your bivio data is not found on the Reports page. Did you know that if you go to Accounting>Accounts, Accounting>Members or Accounting>Investments, you can click on the ...
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Value Line Weekly Update (Issue 13)
Here's a quick look at some of the study-worthy companies in Issue 13: We noted that the 3-5 year low price forecast for Microsoft (MSFT) dipped from $40 to $30, putting a bit of a dent in the long-term forecast. For more on Microsoft, ...
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