you are so right....bivio is correct, also the selling price is correct.  we certainly will use the bivio price for the taxes. being new to bivio we wanted to make sure everything was balanced, but i see now that it doesn't matter in this instance.  i can just put a note on the audit sheet. it sure took me long enough to catch on.

i really appreciate your efforts and your patience. thanks again,


From: Laurie Frederiksen <>
To: The Club Cafe <>
Sent: Sat, February 13, 2010 3:53:24 PM
Subject: RE: club_cafe: SYNC INCORRECT

Hi Marilyn,


I'm confused a bit.


The price bivio is using is correct.  Your broker has said their price is incorrect.  Why would you want to change the bivio

records to an incorrect number to do taxes? 




Hi Marilyn,

It's no problem. I think people don't realize that sometimes their brokerage

information can be incorrect. As long as you research the subject and figure out

a valid reason for the difference, you will not go wrong using the correct numbers

rather than the numbers they give you.

That is just what you did so you've done exactly the right thing. Your club

is lucky to have such a conscientious treasurer.


i sure have learned a lot in a few days.  we have 2 more small items to deal with and then we will be finished with taxes.

our club has been in existence for at least 25 years, keeping records manually until around 1995.  we then transferred to Iclub accounting system.  Through the years treasurers had been carrying a cash mistake of over $2000.00.  they think it happened in the transfer to Iclub.  When i came on board i found Bivio.  The change-over was fast and easy as the equities were the same.  we wanted to balance our cash account, and chose to use the dollar amount we had on hand.  I then did a journal entry of $2260.13 and posted it to "broker expense".  We don't know if this originated from transposed numbers, or double entries but all members wanted it fixed. This is probably not the correct place to put the entry, as it is showing up as a deduction on the 1065, and K-1's.  Where should this go?

also, we need to change the TMP on the 1065.  I am moving out of town and Beatrice Binsky will take responsibility for the tax information.  We are co-treasurers and she is doing the 1065 and the K-1's.  We can make the change if we know where to make them. 

Thanks for all your assistance, Marilyn

From: Laurie Frederiksen <>
To: The Club Cafe <>
Sent: Sat, February 13, 2010 4:23:34 PM
Subject: RE: club_cafe: SYNC INCORRECT

Hi Marilyn,


It's no problem.  I think people don't realize that sometimes their brokerage

information can be incorrect.  As long as you research the subject and figure out

a valid reason for the difference, you will not go wrong using the correct numbers

rather than the numbers they give you.


That is just what you did so you've done exactly the right thing.  Your club

is lucky to have such a conscientious treasurer.




Has anyone given an answer on this? I have the same problem
and would like to correct an ongoing discrepancy we have
never been able to figure out. I also
could find no answer in Bivio.
Phyllis Wigham

> This is our 1st year using Bivio. During the year we bought
> a Pink Sheet over the counter stock....we found that the
> price was never the same on our broker statement and our
> Bivio statement. At end of year our broker shows $11.35
> less than Bivio shows. Does anyone know how to correct this
> difference, as it will make a small change in the year end
> units and probably taxes. I have tried everything i could
> find in Bivio to correct it and haven't found the magic
> place.
Dear Phyllis,

Yes. We determined that the market value the club had received from the broker
was wrong.

There are many reasons for discrepancies between brokerage records and bivio
records. We'd be glad to help you figure yours out if you email us at

Laurie Frederiksen