What happened to the $69 basic subscription?
Our club, too, has no need for AccountSync and was very
happy with the basic service. Now, we are considering
alternatives. The frustration is paying for a service
(AccountSync) that we do not want. You already have the
sunk costs in Bivio -- so the contracting club base argument
does not wash. Raising the base rate $10 accomplishes this,
and you would hear far fewer objections.


Phil and Sandy Starr wrote:
> I will state again that another issue here is that I would never choose
> Accountsynch!!!! I am not a novice! I have been a club treasurer for the
> majority of 16 years. I wouldn't be the Treasurer if I did not enjoy doing
> the accounting part. I would never choose to pay for Accountsynch. Bivio
> has taken that choice away and has just told me that I am stupid and that
> that I will like it, no matter what. Strikes me that this is way too heavy
> handed!! If I had a decent choice I would be gone from Bivio!!!
> From: "John Munn" <>
> To: "The Club Cafe" <>
> Sent: Wednesday, December 20, 2006 8:10 AM
> Subject: Re: club_cafe: Re: What happened to the $69 basic subscription?
> > Sandy...
> >
> > Like you, I don't appreciate the lack of notice and sharp and sudden price
> > increase, not the requirement to use Accountsync. However, I think you
> > and others who would characterize bivio's customer service as "crap" is
> > going too far. bivio has had the best customer service I've encountered
> > of any service business. Responses are fast; and few problems I've seen
> > posted take more than a day to resolve. And for the most part,
> > information is transparent.
> >
> > I understand the annoyance of prices being raised, and being raised by a
> > huge margin. But consider bivio's position too. The market is
> > contracting. Clubs are folding and costs of running a business are being
> > spread across fewer clubs. I understand what's going on.
> >
> > If you're going to fault bivio for anything, fault them for doing a crappy
> > marketing job. This change is being poorly implemented from a customer
> > relations perspective and bivio has a customer relations nightmare to deal
> > with. But don't fault them for providing poor service.
> >
> > Finally, ask yourself if you're not cutting off your nose to spite your
> > face. When you look at the more costly alternatives and the difficulties
> > of moving your accounting platform to an alternate system, what are you
> > gaining? And what is it going to cost in terms of dollars, time and
> > accuracy?
> >
> > John Munn
> > Cross Country Investment Club
> > Capitol Investors Investment Club
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Sandy Larson wrote:
> >
> >>This is a pretty bad case of customer service....cut...I am reccomending
> >>to our members we
> >>discontinue Bivio based on the crap for service on this
> >>issue.
> >>
> >
> >
> >
I am frustrated. I was pleased to get my Email notice from Account Synch
that payments had been posted, ready for me to identify, and also that we
were out of balance with the broker by a specific amount, which I quickly
identified from my CAO journal.

So far, so good. But then I followed the link to get in accounting to
identify my member payments. Slowly, slowly, but finally got there. Now
I am trying to identify the various payment amounts. I click on the menu
arrow by each check to Identify Credit as being a single payment. This
starts a screen change which I would assume, eventually, will get me to a
member list to identify which member. At this rate I could have manually
entered the whole thing, gone to lunch, and come back. The progress screen
scrowly moved five green blocks in, and then has stopped. I have
cancelled, closed out, started over, but can't seem to get beyond that point
with the first item. What is weird, I am able to maneuver quickly around
the rest of the site, and even make the entries through
Accounting/Members/Payments. Any suggestions of what I may be doing wrong,
or is there some sort of program glitch connected with allocating member
payments from AccountSynch? Gene
I don't have a problem importing from CA3 .mdb file. But, how do you
import from Club Accounting Online? Gene Rooks
Gene Rooks writes:
> with the first item. What is weird, I am able to maneuver quickly around
> the rest of the site, and even make the entries through
> Accounting/Members/Payments. Any suggestions of what I may be doing wrong,
> or is there some sort of program glitch connected with allocating member
> payments from AccountSynch? Gene

A couple of suggestions. First one is that I reduced your page size
to 20. The site should be livelier now.

If the page size is set to 500, the number of database queries makes
viewing the pages with lots of transactions very slow. While it may
be nice to view 500 transactions at time when you are reconciling, I
wouldn't recommend keeping your preferences at that value.

Secondly, you should select "Multiple Payment" when identifying member
payments. The software will then collect all the deposits on this
date into one form, and you can rearrange them to set them correctly.
If you use our Penny Payment System, AccountSync will rearrange the
payments automatically. Even if you don't use the automatic import
feature, this is an excellent way to speed up auditing, because every
check amount is unique, and therefore easily cross-checked on the
broker statements.

Normally we would like you to send support requests like this to It's fine to send them to the Club Cafe, but I'm
pretty sure that you'll find the responses from is
faster than emails to the Club Cafe. We generally don't like putting
information about users' accounts on the Club Cafe, because our
privacy policy forbids it. In this case, I thought it was more
practical to respond here so that others could learn about the
problem with 500 line pages. I apologize in advance if you did not
want this information posted here publicly.

I hope this helps, and thank you for trying AccountSync.

I should ask, were you satisfied with the other transactions that were
brought in automatically?

Thank you, Rob, for your personal attention to this. I'll look forward to
getting into it now with the revisions you made to the page size.
Actually, I did delete that file and imported another to start fresh from.
May I ask where you go to check/change these preference settings? And yes,
I was satisfied with the other Account Synch imports, and think it won't be
that much of a problem to assign them since it will all be on one page
choosing the multiple payment option.

Thanks, Gene

Never mind, I found it ;-) Gene