Withdrawals - Are You Guyz Really Sure????
Mark Bolter asks a question that is still confusing to a lot of clubs.
My club has gone round and round on the following issue: Assuming we transfer an appreciated stock to a member who is leaving the club, isn't it possible that he could get saddled with a large capital gains?  In a scenario, a member has invested $3,000 in the club over a period of time and over the course of a his time in the club, the current market value of his contributions is $5,000.  If the remaining club members wish to pay the member by transferring a stock, what precludes them from transferring Stock A with a cost basis of $1,000 and a market value of $5,000.  Therefore the withdrawing member would receive a security worth his market value of $5,000 but in the event of selling the stock to raise cash, the member would be face with paying taxes on a gain of $4,000. Are we missing something?  Please Help!
The detail that you are missing is the fact that the member's basis in the distributed stock becomes his basis for his entire partnership interest, less any cash received. In your scenario, your member has contributed $3,000 over time. Let's assume that he/she has not been allocated any K-1 items that would affect the tax basis for the partnership interest. Hence the basis of the entire interest is $3,000. Since no cash was distributed, the basis for the distributed stock becomes $3,000. If the stock were to be sold immediately after the distribution, there would be a gain of $2,000 to report [Sales of $5,000, less cost of $3,000]. Note that this is the same amount of gain that would have been reported if the member had received $5,000 in cash [$5,000 minus $3,000]. That's why we say that the member is no worse off receiving stock in a complete termination of interest, and may be better off because the time of recognition of gain can be deferred until the stock is actually sold. The club postpones the $4,000 gain that they would have to recognize if the stock were sold by the club in order to pay off the member. As we often say, it's a win/win situation.
My colleague, Jerry Dressel has written a definitive treatise on this subject that can be found at
Member Withdrawals - payout options for your club.

Thank you for submitting a question that is of concern to a lot of investment club members. Please come on back, if you have more questions.
Rip West
Saint Paul, MN