Differences in Members' Units
Warren Hercules raises a question.........
Even though I have entered equal payments, the same payment dates, and the same valuation dates, the number of units shown all members is not the same. The total amount paid is the same but the market values are affected. I don't understand the reason?

As it happened, the actual transaction dates and valuation dates were not the same for all members, and therefore the units awarded were slightly different. However, I wanted to use this inquiry as the basis for a column, since this question comes up quite often.
There is some confusion about transaction dates and valuation dates. My recommendation is that treasurers use the date that the check was received as the transaction date. I also believe that each club should set a monthly valuation date. For instance, this date could be the day before the meeting, the end of the month, whatever, but it should be the same for all members' contributions for that month. My club uses the end of each month as a valuation date. Members have until the 5th of each month to get their checks in. If a check is received after the 5th of the month, it will not be included with that month's contribution, but will have to wait until the following month. Other clubs handle the situation by assessing a late fee penalty for contributions received after the cut off date.
Notwithstanding the above, I urge clubs NOT to attempt to keep contributions and units equal between members. Herb Barnett has written a very good article on this, which can be found at
Equal Partners and Why That Doesn't Work - by Herb Barnett
There are just too many problems that arise in trying to keep all members equal. What do you do if a member is hospitalized for a long period of time? Or if the member is on an extended vacation for over a month? In my opinion, a club should be flexible enough to handle these situations, but it is very difficult if the club tries to adhere to the policy of keeping everyone equal.
Also, as the club matures, the members' values are apt to become quite large. It will be increasingly difficult to bring in new members at the same level. Both bivio and NCA have geared their software to accommodate varying contributions by the membership, so the record keeping is not a factor.
Finally, there is the question of how the votes should be tallied if the members' units are not all the same. Some clubs would still use one person, one vote, while others would opt for voting on the basis of units owned. This is a separate question and will have to be addressed by each club when they are forming their philosophy on investing as a club.
Rip West
Saint Paul, MN