Partial Distributions Using Stock
A user asks.......
Our club would like to make a partial distribution and since some members would like cash and others  would not take a distribution we are considering making the distr. in stock which has appreciated.
I am a little confused by your question. Are you saying that some members of the club would prefer not to have a partial distribution? If so, I suggest that you make distributions only to those who wish to take funds out. Under a unit-based system, this would seem to be the easiest and fairest way to accomplish what you are trying to do. If, by any chance, you are trying to keep all members equal, I would recommend very strongly against such a practice. In the long run, you will never be able to keep all members equal. From experience, I can tell you that clubs that try to do this face a lot of turmoil, before they finally 'give up', and allow unequal positions. For more information on this, read Equal Partners, and why that doesn't work, by Herb Barnett, Chairman, NAIC Computer Group, which can be found at
But maybe that has nothing to do with your question. If you transfer stock in a partial withdrawal, the basis for the stock in the hands of the individual partner becomes the club's basis for that stock, but in no event can the basis be more than the member's basis in the entire partnership, reduced by any cash received. If multiple stocks are issued to one member, the allocation of basis can become quite complex. Fortunately, both bivio and NCA handle these transactions with ease.
For a complete discussion on the matter of using stocks for a partial withdrawal, I can do no better than to recommend a treatise written by my colleague, Jerry Dressel, which can be found at......
I hope this answers your question. If not, please come back, and we will try again. Thanks for using bivio.
Rip West
Ridgway, CO