Crediting Member for Pre-payments?
Jan and Rita wrote.........
We tried using the 'nifty' feature of putting a member's pre-payments into Suspense, but now cannot get the transfer of the monies credited to their valuation. We can transfer from one account to the other as  treasurer, but this does not credit the member. If the member 'pays' the amount it doesn't debit Suspense. How do we transfer from Suspense to Broker and credit the member?
Let me explain by example, if you don't mind.   Let's say that Member X is going to miss the next 3 meetings.  Member X normally makes monthly payments to the club in the amount of $25. In January Member X gives you a check for $75 to cover the February 1st, the March 1st, and the April Fools Day payments.   You deposit that money into the club's brokerage account.
The question is, how do we enter these transactions into our accounting software so that the brokerage account continues to reconcile throughout the period and so this member gets credit for 3 separate $25 deposits on the first of the next 3 months?
First, enter a transfer from the Suspense Account (or for that matter you could create a new account in bivio called 'Advanced Payments') to your brokerage account.   Then, enter 3 payments for Member X.  One dated February 1st, one dated March 1st, and one dated April 1st.   When entering each of those payments be sure to select the Suspense Account (or whatever account you used as a temporary place from which prepayments were transferred), not your brokerage account,  as the account into which the payments were deposited.   At the end of the 3 months,  Member X will have been credited with the 3 payments, as desired, and your club cash accounts will reconcile with their actual balances throughout the entire period.
Thanks for using bivio!
Jerry Dressel
St.Louis, Missouri