Club Cafe

The bivio Club Cafe message list is an opt-in discussion list. It's a place where you can ask for input from other clubs. You will also receive regular updates on topics of interest to clubs and treasurers. It's a great way to learn more about running a club.

If you join the list, you receive all the emails that are sent to the list and you'll be able to ask questions and make comments that will be shared with everyone on the list.

  • Here's a link to past messages:

    Club Cafe Message List

    You'll find lots of good information about running your club if you browse through them.

  • You can join the list using this link:

    Join Club Cafe!
  • You will need to be a registered bivio user to join the list. If you do not have a bivio account, you will be asked to register or you can register first here:


    Registering is free and there is no obligation. All you will provide is an email address. You do not even have to enter a club name if you are not setting up a club. If you only want to send and receive list messages, it's fine to leave the club information at the top of the page blank.

Once you've joined the list, you're ready to go. Just send your questions from your email program. Address them to

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