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Re: [club_cafe] Re: Partial withdrawalI believe you are in error having members "buy units" from each other. Member withdrawals are one thing. Members purchasing units are a separate, unrelated transaction. Check with Bivio before trying to link these. On Fri, Jan 26, 2018 at 10:52 AM Scott Freeman via ...
RE: [club_cafe] Making Payments to Active Members, not Withdrawals?This is only true for a full withdrawal. In a partialA withdrawal the partner does assume the cost basis of the club.A Things can get complicated. A member can make a partial withdrawal up to their club cost basis without paying tax. Charles Bard From: ...
RE: [club_cafe] Partial withdrawal for long-term memberThere is a whole discussion about the pros and cons (no pros; all cons) of transferring stock for a partial withdrawal on the bivio help page. Look under "Withdrawals, Cash versus Stock, Partial Withdrawal" If you want to make a partial withdrawal just so you ...
Re: [club_cafe] Paying a withdrawing partnerOur club payout in cash or securities, our choice, less a $50 flat fee. Account is valued at the following meeting after the meeting at which the withdrawal is formalised. Payout is no later then 30 days hence. Bernard Worst From: <> on ...
Re: [club_cafe] Re: Paying a withdrawing partnerThe problem we saw with withdrawals where we had to raise cash was the forced sale creating capital gains that we did not want to realize. sb On Thu, Sep 22, 2022 at 10:15 AM John Rice via <user* > wrote: Wow, the ...
Partnership Withdrawal Payment ConsiderationsThis section defines how the withdrawal amount will be determined, the method of payment that can be used and the timing of the payment. As noted in the comments to the previous section, there are complicated tax and accounting considerations when withdrawing assets from a ...
language for bylaws on withdrawing membersWe want to clarify the procedure and language in the bylaws on withdrawing members We want to allow for 1 month for them to give us an account number, and if we don't get it, we say that we will transfer the securities to them ...
Re: [club_cafe] Re: Paying a withdrawing partnerSB, that is why you transfer stock instead of cash. Transferring stock does not occurA capital gains or losses. John On Thu, Sep 22, 2022 at 7:23 AM SB via <user* > wrote: The problem we saw with withdrawals where we had to ...
Re: [club_cafe] tax basis on partial withdrawalThe member making the partial withdrawal will not owe any current taxes on that withdrawal as long as,A at the end of the year,A he/she has withdrawn less than their cost basis in the club. This explains what their cost basis in the club is ...
Re: [club_cafe] Investment club withdrawalsThe typical NAIC-style withdrawal usually calls for a resignation letter. It is deemed accepted at the next club meeting. The amount paid would be the member's capital account balance as of the next meeting, after the resignation is accepted. So, a resignation letter written between ...
Re: [club_cafe] Tax formThe withdrawal report needs to be given to the member who took the withdrawal because there may be tax consequences from it.A They would need to be reported on their personal tax forms in addition to the information from their K-1. Here is informationA on ...
Re: [club_cafe] Paying a withdrawing partnerSeems to me that you have a conflict in your partnership agreement.A If I were a partner in your club, I could do a one time withdrawal and get 99.5% of my (presumably) market value at the time.A Whereas if I did a full withdrawal ...
Re: [club_cafe] Re: Paying a withdrawing partnerThe way I would interpret it is: If no other withdrawals were made in this calendar year then I would allow a full withdrawal in cash for 99.5% of the partner's account.A If the partnership wanted to hold to the full withdrawal option to determine ...
Re: [club_cafe] withdrawal feeI agree with Mike. We do have a withdraw fee, although we should call it a penalty to discourage someone from joining and then leaving early. A withdraw disrupts the club by having to give up a stock that we like. If someone leaves within ...
Re.Partial WithdrawalsIRA re. your last sentence "in general funding partial withdrawals with cash is the easiest choice" I am restating the situation: Over years a partner has invested PLUS distributed earnings, and now has a cost basis of $10K. His ownership in the club's portfolio amounts ...