Chrome version 80 upgrade
Is there any word yet on how, or if, the new version 80 upgrade of Chrome will affect bivio? Lynn
2 messages
Prospective Members
We are having discussions in regards to changing the by laws on how to handle prospective members. Some partners feel we should not pass out the by laws and partnership agreement until they have committed to joining the club. It may be hard for them ...
12 messages
Tax Info
Hello, When I click on the "Taxes" tab, the following appears, but I do not see the 6 steps that are mentioned.A Also, from an earlier comment from another club, it seemed that tax forms were already available for the 2019 tax year.A Please advise ...
4 messages
Better Investment magazine
Hello, Have quick question for you. Does Bivio subscriber receive a Better Investing magazine for free? Thanks, Michelle
2 messages
Auditing Member Accounts
The question was asked about using the member performance detail report to have members confirm their payments for the year.A Ex: A A In the audit instructions,A we recommend you tell them to look at the "Member Contributions and Withdrawals" report to do this. ...
1 message
TDA won't issue 1099
We are a relatively new investment club and have just been informed that TDAmeritrade does not intend to issue a 1099 because we've had no securities activity in 2019. Please advise
10 messages
Recording dues as a fee payment
Can you share what complications in Bivio's accounting arise if partner's annual dues are recorded as a "fee" opposed to a "payment?" If recording as a fee is not recommended by Bivio, is there any other way to record annual dues whereas this payment does ...
4 messages
Club Audit Forms
Can someone please tell me where to find the yearly Audit forms? Thanks!
5 messages
audit question
I am preparing for our audit. The stocks are exactly the same in brokerage account as bivio, but the cash balance is off by approximately $1000. Bivio shows more but the brokerage account must be right. Where would I start to look in bivio for ...
5 messages
Google Sheets
Does anyone know if we can add a link to a GoogleSheets file in the Files section (so that members of our club can easily accesses the GoogleSheet)?
2 messages
Password Change
Hello, my password has been stolen/compromised. I've sent several emails to Bivio for assistance with no reply. The change password link does not work; it does not sent a link to given email so a password can be changed. Please help.
3 messages
Schwab vs Bivio statements for Annual Audit Steps
Today our club initiated its audit for 2019 following the guidelines of the Bivio Audit Party Weekend event and Club Audit Forms and Instructions. However, we bogged down in audit steps 3-4 trying to verify income and expense statements from Bivio vs equivalent statements from ...
5 messages
Club buy/sell limit setting
Hello. During our investment club meeting today we discussed how to make better trades by predefining buy/sell orders for our stock portfolio.A We meet monthly and this low frequency means we usually dona€(TM)t take advantage of market timing or anticipate opportunities well. I would like ...
13 messages
club_cafe: Re: reinviting members
Whatever this conversation is about, it doesn't appear to belong on this mail list that hundreds of people see. Please take it off-line by emailing directly to each other. On January 10, 2020 at 9:03 AM "Paul Welborn,Jr. via" <user*> wrote: Sorry, I have ...
1 message
Adding Checking Account
We opened a checking account with Chase Bank. Can someone explain to me how to bring in the account so it interfaces with Bivio. Charles Schwab has been good to work with but since we are an investment club our local branch will will not ...
7 messages