I've been studying a lot of analyst's reports and there is one recurring term that I don't understand. "% surprise" What exactly does that mean? Signed 1st year investor. Pam Tuttle.
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Australian Stocks
We are a new investment club here in Australia just starting to invest in the Australian share market. As these securities are unlisted on the Bivio database we therefore have to manually update our portfolia share prices. Am I correct in this? If so, is ...
2 messages
club_cafe: Maine Filing Requirements
>>What are the filing requirements for the State of Maine? Although Maine has a partnership return (1065-ME) it isn't clear to me whether an investment club has to file. Call ME Revenue Services , a local tax professional, or if you are an NAIC-affiliated club, ...
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On the Valuation Summary, our plan stock as of 12/31/02 has a Price Per share of $585.00. How is that possible? What should I do to correct it or is there no fix?
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Maine Filing Requirements
What are the filing requirements for the State of Maine? Thank-you, Walter
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I am going over tax forms, and noticed that on our members that did a cash withdrawal, it shows the amount distributed, but does not show their loss. How does this get reported?
2 messages
club_cafe: Distributions
>>I am going over tax forms, and noticed that on our members that did a cash withdrawal, it shows the amount distributed, but does not show their loss. How does this get reported? What loss? If you mean that they withdrew and received less than ...
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club_cafe: State Filing requirements
There doesn't appear to be any DE filing requirement. Your club will file a Federal Form 1065. Your club may have to file a CT-1065. (It's not clear to me whether investment clubs are required to file or are exempt.) Contact the CT DRS or ...
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Please unsubscribe me.
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State Filing requirements
My club (based in Connecticut) has 1 member who lived in Delaware all of 2002. Besides the K-1 and the 1065 filings, do we have to file specific forms for Delaware (State/Federal). Bertram Francis
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Datek data download
Hi, Is there anyone using account from Datek? How do people prepare their schedule D? I understand that Quicken has a feature that will allow the user to download their account over the web. I tried but my id and password was not recognized. Has ...
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2002 Tax Forms Available
As some of you already know, our 2002 tax software has been available since the weekend. I apologize for the delay in submitting this message. Please remember to reconcile your books with your 1099s, which should arrive from your brokers and banks by the end ...
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club_cafe: Brokerage companies
Buy and Hold offer a great service, works with Bivio account sync, and has I believe 3 plans in which you can trade ($6.99, $14, & $19). Brian Believers Investment Group P.S. They do have a true DRiP. Original Message Follows From: Jean Leeson Reply-To: ...
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Brokerage companies
Our club switched from Waterhouse to Ameritrade. I was told that they did dividend reinvesting but found out too late that they only do it if dividends total a whole share, not fractions. Any input on other discount brokers that do dividend reinvesting?
1 message
club_cafe: Write off home CPU
Yes, you can, but it may not be worth the effort. First, a computer is considered "listed property" so your deduction is limited and spread over several years. Second, you can only deduct a fraction of the cost which is equal to the fraction of ...
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