penny stock
OK, we admit we bought a penny stock. every now and then we get bored i guess and this was one of those moments. our purchase was apparently the kiss of death and RBCC., Rainbow Coral Corporation is plummeting as I write. we didn't buy ...
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Apple Valuation
I find it interesting to see Apple being held by more clubs this week than last week. My SSG shows it to be deep into the "hold" range. Am I alone in this valuation?
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partnership part of partnership correction
There is no easy way. That's why ownership of MLPs is so strongly discouraged. Ira Smilovitz In a message dated 3/5/2012 11:01:45 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes: If bivio puts broker information directly into the tax form, how do you put the information supplied ...
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partnership part of partnership correction
The cash distributions from KMP should be entered as a return of capital dividend. You then have to make all of the other adjustments to get the information from the KMP K-1 onto the correct lines of your club's Schedule K/K-1 as well as adjusting ...
4 messages
Minnesota State Partnership Tax Return
You can our Lucky Ladies club to that list for wanting a Minnesota return! Thanks, Pam On Sun, Mar 4, 2012 at 9:40 PM, Marlene Fondrick wrote: Add us on to having Bivio develop a MN tax partnership form. Anything to make it easier. Marlene ...
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Minnesota State Partnership Tax Return
Is bivio going to, or does it have the State of Minnesota Partnership Tax form for Investment Clubs? It is a simple two page form that reports all zeros as the answers to the questions.
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partnership part of partnership correction
I inadvertently stated incorrectly that bivio treated a partnership distribution from KMP as a dividend. It is the broker, TDAmeritrade, that is stating that the $58.00 distribution is a dividend. How do I get this distribution to show up correctly in Bivio and on our ...
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club partnership part of a partnership
Our club owns Kinder Morgan Energy Partners. They gave us a distribution of 58.00. In bivio it is treated as a dividend, but KMP sent us a K-1. How do we get correct entries on our tax forms???
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Hugoton Royalty Trust - in spin off -- how to treat re taxes
We got HGT in spin off. How do I handled re taxes.: 1099 shows in three parts: Royalty natural resources, Administrative expenses and severance tax? Karen Johnson
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Schedule K-1 Question - Foreign Transactions
The amount of foreign dividend income the member received. The codes are explained on page 2 of the K-1. Ira Smilovitz In a message dated 3/2/2012 3:01:57 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes: We're in the process of reviewing our K-1's before we submit them ...
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Schedule K-1 Question - Foreign Transactions
We're in the process of reviewing our K-1's before we submit them and have one question on Foreign Transactions (Box 16). For most of us there are 3 codes in this box 1) Code A followed by the name of the country 2) Code D ...
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Other Deductions
The link Laurie provided appears to be broken. The correct link is , Unstated in Laurie's post (and the referenced article) is that when you own units in an MLP you (the club and each partner) may have tax return filing requirements in every ...
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Other Deductions
All entries from a K-1 that the club receives from a partnership that it has invested in belong on Schedule K. You just move the entries from the external partnership to the corresponding line(s) on your Schedule K, remembering to include any entries to Schedule ...
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Other Deductions
Why do you want to do this? There should be NO entries on page 1 except for the information at the top of the form and the signature at the bottom. Ira Smilovitz In a message dated 3/2/2012 9:15:51 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes: ...
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Other Deductions
Does anyone know how to create a transaction that (through bivio) will result in an entry on form 1065 page 1, line 20, "other deductions"? Morgan Lamarche
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