Top Investment Club Holdings
Here is a Manifest Investing Dashboard showing the top 50 stock holdings of bivio investment clubs as of December 1. If you click on the heading for the last column, you can sort it by Projected Future Return:

bivio Club Index

If your investment club owns any of these stocks, are you comfortable with the projected return shown? If not, it's a good list to use to think about ideas for changes in your club portfolio. Find something that might offer more benefit to your portfolio than something you already own and pick that as your monthly stock to study.

If you'd like to learn more about using a Windshield View like this to manage your investment club portfolio, make sure to join us online at 8:30PM ET tomorrow (Tuesday Dec. 13) for Dashboard Diagnostics. Mark Robertson from Manifest Investing will be demonstrating the portfolio review process on the real portfolio of an investment club from Colorado.

It's free and everyone is invited. Register now to join us at

See you online!

Laurie Frederiksen
Invest with your friends!

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