Switching Club Treasurers
Hi Everyone,

We've been getting some inquiries in support about how to switch club treasurers.

First of all, congratulations to those clubs who have asked. Rotating this critical job helps demystify it for everyone. It really is a simple job. After all, your club was smart enough to use bivio!

The only thing we might suggest is that you make the full switchover after tax season rather than at the close of the calendar year. Perhaps you could have a treasurer elect who will work with the past treasurer to help get your club audit done and prepare your taxes. It might be a little less intimidating for them to take over full responsibility after that.

The mechanics of switching treasurer are pretty simple. There are only two things you need to do:

1. Treasurer Privileges

You need to modify the privileges for the new treasurer so they'll be able to edit your club records.

Here's an explanation of how privileges are set up: Member Privileges-Description

Here's an explanation of how to change them: Changing Member Privileges

2. Training

To help with getting your new treasurer oriented, we recommend our new treasurer training series. It has three parts:

You can also find the three presentations posted as webinar recordings if you go to our help page.

Welcome to the new treasurers! Don't forget, we're glad to help you in support if you have any questions. Just email us at

Laurie Frederiksen
Invest with your friends!

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