Hi Everyone,

It's a day to celebrate the number 1
We need 1 more person to "Like" our Facebook page and we'll have 400 friends!

If you aren't a friend yet, we hope you'll become one. Just go to our page, and click on the little "Like" icon you'll see at the top.

Of course, we'd be glad to have 11 new friends.

Or 111

Or 1111.........

Happy 11/11/11

And, more importantly, Happy Veterans Day. 11/11/11 is a chance lining up of numbers on a calendar.

Veterans are those who made a decision to contribute part of their lives for the greater good. Thank you all for your service.

Laurie Frederiksen
Invest with your friends!

Become our Facebook friend!
Follow us on twitter!
I did it! I'm the 400'th friend!

On Nov 11, 2011, at 9:35 AM, Laurie Frederiksen wrote:

Hi Everyone,

It's a day to celebrate the number 1
We need 1 more person to "Like" our Facebook page and we'll have 400 friends!

If you aren't a friend yet,  we hope you'll become one.    Just go to our page, and click on the little "Like" icon you'll see at the top.

Of course,  we'd be glad to have 11 new friends.

Or 111

Or 1111.........

Happy 11/11/11

And, more importantly, Happy Veterans Day.  11/11/11 is a chance lining up of numbers on a calendar.

Veterans are those who made a decision to contribute part of their lives for the greater good.   Thank you all for your service.

Laurie Frederiksen
Invest with your friends!

Become our Facebook friend!
Follow us on twitter!

On Fri, Nov 11, 2011 at 12:44 PM, Ellen Shershow <> wrote:
I did it! I'm the 400'th friend!

Hi Ellen,

You were indeed the special 1!

Thanks for becoming a new bivio Facebook friend!

If you'd like, you (and everyone else) can help us spread the word about bivio even more and help out your club too. We're offering $10 bivio bucks for every link to that any club member posts on their blogs or websites!

Just email us at for more details.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Laurie Frederiksen
Invest with your friends!

Become our Facebook friend!
Follow us on twitter!