About the new IRS reporting rules
I received the bulletin about the new rules - brokers having to report gains. Thanks for keeping us informed.
Our club uses which is not on the AccountSync list of brokers. Every month, after the statement comes out, I enter the information into bivio, directly from the statement. This way, I can balance to the penny every month. By doing this, shouldn't my year-end figures on bivio equal those of my broker?
Won't most of the discrepancies come from those minor point differences that occur between bivio and the brokers through AccountSync? If that's the case, could you minimize the year-end differences by simply making minor corrections on a monthly basis?
Thanks for all you do.

Lynn Ostrem

Hi Lynn,

Good questions. I will talk about this further in the presentation on Thursday also:

You asked:

I enter the information into bivio, directly from the statement. This way, I can balance to the penny every month. By doing this, shouldn't my year-end figures on bivio equal those of my broker?
Won't most of the discrepancies come from those minor point differences that occur between bivio and the brokers through AccountSync? If that's the case, could you minimize the year-end differences by simply making minor corrections on a monthly basis?
Lynn Ostrem

You are correct that using your method, assuming you don't make any typos, your purchase and sale details should agree with your broker. I would however, have to say that I see more broker/bivio differences for clubs that are entering data manually than I do for those who are using AccoungSync. <g>

There are a variety of things other than purchase and sale details which will also affect cost basis and whether or not what your broker reports is correct or agrees with the cost basis in bivio.

For example, if a stock you own has undergone some sort of reorganization such as a split, spinoff or merger, there can be complicated basis adjustments required which, in our experience, brokers do not always get right.

We have seen cases where brokers record return of capital payments as dividends. A return of capital requires a basis adjustment. A dividend does not.

If you have had a wash sale, (which your brokers will now be reporting to you), you will need to contact us to make the correct adjustments in your bivio records.

You will need to be very careful about lot selection if you do not sell a position in it's entirety. Also, you will need to make sure that historical basis information both at your broker and in bivio is correct. If stocks and especially mutual funds and drips that you still own were moved from another brokerage, your current broker may not have all the information they need to calculate cost basis correctly. If you've tracked and reconciled them all along in bivio, your bivio cost basis should be accurate.

If you do as you are doing and reconcile your bivio records with your brokerage statements each month, and contact us to help out if you have any questions about how your broker has recorded something or the correct way to enter any out of the ordinary transactions, you should be fine.

For any who'd like to attend the presentation. It's Thursday, November 3 at 8:30PM ET. You can register now at

Laurie Frederiksen
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